King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services
5 years agoMonFeb 03-02-2020
The Last Event
The Last Event The Last Event The Last Event The Last Event The Last EventThe Last Event The
5 years agoTueJan 21-01-2020
The Anniversary of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Pledge of Allegiance
The Anniversary of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's Pledge of Allegiance
5 years agoSatJan 04-01-2020
Objectives of Islamic Shariah between Founding Constants & Present Age Variables
Objectives of Islamic Shariah between Founding Constants & Present Age Variables
6 years agoMonFeb 11-02-2019
The 2nd International Conference of Mathematics and its Applications
It is our great honor to welcome you to the second International Conference of Mathematics and Applications, hosted b