King Khalid University

The General Administration of Volunteering and Community Partnership
Message from the General Manager
Volunteering and community service are considered one of the main objectives of Saudi Vision 2030 and are prominent pillars on which modern societies are built. It is a humanitarian work that aims to empower kindness and cooperation among society to reach sustainable development
Therefore, King Khalid University seeks to lead the field of volunteer work and specialized community partnerships, and to provide volunteer services in scientific and professional ways.
Dr. Mosfer Mohammad Al-Asmari
The General Administration of Volunteering and Community Partnership commits to providing exceptional volunteer programs, activities, and services that keep pace with social needs and outlook, according to the university’s strategic path, vision, and mission. In addition to building vital strategic partnerships to meet the needs and expectations of beneficiaries and all related entities to empower investment in human resources.
Vision, Mission, and Values
To lead the field of specialized volunteering and community partnership.
To provide professional and scientific volunteering services through spreading and developing the concept of sustainable social volunteering, and provide unique activities and programs, according to the highest standards and across different sectors; stemming from the deep belief in the university’s social responsibility towards its community.
Responsibility, moral ethics, excellence, teamwork and cooperation, planning and future outlook, Efficiency and effectiveness, quality and mastery.
1- Establishing the culture of volunteering in the university and society at large.
2- Enriching community awareness of social responsibility.
3- Developing the spirit of responsibility and commitment.
4- Developing a general social sense, social communication, and spreading the culture of cooperation and volunteer work.
5- Instill national principles and values and strengthen national belonging.
6- Developing volunteers’ intellectual, technical and scientific skills.
7- Establishing training, educational, financing, volunteer, and scientific research partnerships to serve the community.
8- Raising the efficiency of volunteers and volunteer teams through training and qualification.
9- Providing studies and research that develop the field of volunteering.
10- Empowering community initiatives that enhance the university’s role, and improve community service to meet social needs and solve problems.
11- Raising the efficiency of the administration’s institutional performance, governance and development of its services, diversifying communication channels and increasing beneficiary satisfaction.
Management of Community Partnership
The management focuses on establishing community partnerships between the university and other government agencies. The department includes the following: Partnerships and Community Service Department - Donors Department - Community Observatory Department.
Management of Programs and Activities
The management focuses on building quality volunteer initiatives, supervising training processes, and coordinating with authorities to implement volunteer programs, identifying training needs, and holding conferences, forums, and workshops. It includes the following: Event Planning and Management Department - Media and Marketing Department.
Management of Volunteer work
The management focuses on implementing volunteer work, registering opportunities, calculating volunteer hours for volunteers, and making statistics at the end of each quarter. The volunteer work department includes the following: Volunteer Affairs Section - Volunteer Opportunities Section - Registration, Follow-up and Measurement Section.
Achievements and Statistics
Number of volunteers in King Khalid University: 3015
Number of volunteering hours: 123923 hours, pertaining to the General Administration of Volunteering and Community Partnership.
The Building of the General Administration of Volunteering and Community Partnership in Al-Fara’a (Male)
The Building of the General Administration of Volunteering and Community Partnership in All-Quraiqer (Female)
Phone number: 0172414904