King Khalid University

Inventory Control
General Tasks:
- Manage all safety and security operations at the university, work on preventing accidents, handle them when they occur, and mitigate their damages.
- Conduct initial investigations into problems and incidents that occur at the university, whether referred by university officials or discovered by the Security and Safety Administration.
- Organize and monitor the entrances and exits of the university and its other units, and verify the identities of individuals if necessary.
- Issue entry permits to the university, its facilities, and units, whether for individuals or vehicles.
- Supervise traffic flow, organize parking, and identify traffic violations while adhering to applicable regulations.
- Monitor the employees and workers of companies and institutions operating within the university, as well as visitors, within their jurisdiction.
- Prepare security guard shifts at the university on working days, holidays, and vacations.
- Participate in organizing events and activities in collaboration with all relevant departments.
University Security:
The concept of university security involves maintaining the stability of the security of the facility and buildings, protecting their properties from vandalism, sabotage, or theft, ensuring the security and safety of all university employees and visitors, including students, reviewers, and guests, and regularly monitoring to prevent accidents.
University Security Tasks:
- Inspect and monitor all items entering or leaving the university and verify the identity of the deliverer and receiver.
- Receive lost and found items when they are found, announce them, and return them to their owners.
- Distribute security personnel across university buildings.
- Participate in organizing university events and activities in collaboration with all relevant departments.
- Prepare security guard shifts at the university.
- Manage all security operations at the university, work on preventing accidents, handle them when they occur, and mitigate their damages.
- Conduct field investigations into problems and incidents that occur at the university, whether referred by university officials or discovered by the Security Administration.
- Organize and monitor the entrances and exits of the university and its other units, and verify the identities of individuals if necessary.
General Objective and Administration Tasks
General Objective
Ensuring control over the movement of items in the department’s warehouses, and ensuring that there is no surplus or shortage of stored items.
Administration Tasks
Carrying out all the supervisory work specified in the rules and procedures of government warehouses, recording incoming and outgoing items, following up and recording personal and administrative covenants in all university units, and ensuring that there is no surplus or shortage of stored items.
Vision, Mission, and Objectives
We seek to provide a distinguished, high-quality service in monitoring inventory in university units and achieving the satisfaction of workers and visitors.
We are committed to maintaining the inventory of all university units in terms of quantity and quality, working to rationalize spending, and developing the quality of service provided by modeling work in accordance with the rules and procedures of government warehouses.
Ensuring compliance with the rules and procedures of government warehouses in all university units.
Maintaining stock levels and safety in accordance with government warehouse rules and procedures.
Ensuring the integrity of the documentary cycle in the case of storage, disbursement and receipt.
Ensuring the safety of the product until it reaches the service requester and until it is dispensed with.
Inventory Control Department
Holding the item control card that is equivalent to the item card in the warehouse.
Preserving covenant restrictions documents.
Conducting reconciliations of either warehouse balances or sector accounts from time to time.
Inventorying and following up on the items that are decided to be sold, repaired or destroyed.
Determine storage levels for items as follows:
The minimum level is the level at which the balance of the item remains and is not exceeded upon disbursement.
The order limit is the level of the item’s balance that, if it is reached, the order must be re-ordered to increase the item’s balance so that it does not reach the minimum limit that cannot be exceeded when disbursing.
The upper limit is the level of the item's balance that must not be exceeded so that there is no increase in the value of the item.
Participating with other parties in securing what the various sectors need in terms of assets and ensuring their actual need for what is required and not monitoring them from a person in excess of their actual need.
Analyzing inventories and drawing conclusions from them to predict the needs of future sectors of assets.
Providing the relevant authorities with the necessary warehouse data and information in the event of a shortage, loss, damage, etc., such as estimating annual needs.
Participate with committees in determining the rates for supplying regions and buildings, with other committees as the case may be.
Examining data on stagnant and stacked inventory and making recommendations regarding them.
Determine what is necessary regarding storing the items or dispensing them directly.
Conducting a monthly reconciliation of the actual balances of some items in warehouses with the corresponding balances recorded in the item control cards to verify the regularity of restrictions.
Limiting the number of similar stocks according to the standards set by the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization.
Preparing data on the value of the deficit and the increase in item balances based on forms and reports of the inventory committees or reports of the General Auditing Office.
Study inventory reports, extract inventory balances, and set a value for them at the end of each fiscal year.
Covenant Department
The covenant system is concerned with managing the permanent items that are delivered to employees. These permanent items are called (custody), and the system is concerned with maintaining a database of the covenant and its owners. It also provides a complete historical record of the transactions made on the trust, which includes handing over the trust to the employee, transferring it from one employee to another employee, and returning the trust.
The government covenant system represents an integrated information system, as the covenant system will be automatically linked with the personnel affairs system to know if there is a covenant on employees so that the process of transferring, promoting, or closing their registration does not take place until after the covenant is handed over.
To achieve this, the administrative system works to ensure facilitation of trade management operations by adhering to the following:
Complete follow-up of the various employees’ appointments and the operations carried out on them.
Entering employees' details and balances at the beginning of the system's operation.
Registering the contents of buildings and offices for a fixed trust and linking it as a trust to (an employee or department).
Automated linking and registration of the contract based on disbursement requests or receipt records that contain permanent items after reviewing and approving them by inventory control.
Monitoring and printing trust cards, custody registration transactions, transfer of trust, and return transactions, and knowing the status of the trust on a specific date.
There are two types of trust transfer (temporary and permanent), so that the system alerts you about the temporarily transferred trust and the date of its return to the original trust holder.
Linking with Personnel Affairs to register the covenant on employees and print a report on the employees whose services will end and who have a registered covenant.
Printing reports and inquiring about the contract by category, employee, location, entity, etc.
Search for a category in the Covenant and display all Covenant owners who have the required category.
Knowing disbursement requests and receipt records that contain permanent items that have not been registered as a deposit.
Covenant reports
Disclose covenant balances by employee.
Disclose covenant balances by category.
Disclose covenant by category.
Disclose covenant by employee.
Disclose covenant list by employee/building/department.
Disclose custody transactions by date.
Disclose custody movements by employee.
Disclose a list of permanent items disbursed and not recorded as a deposit.
Disclose a list of permanent items included in receipt records and not registered as a deposit.
(Phone numbers for the Administration and Departments)
Administration - Direct
Covenant Department
Inventory Department
Office Secretary