King Khalid University

General Administration for Planning and Budget
The General Administration for Budget and Planning is considered one of the prominent administrations in the university. It is an internal and independent body that connects directly to His Excellency the President of the University. Its role lies in preparing developmental plans for the university, establishing schedules related to implementing those plans, preparing reports on its activities and achievements, taking care of everything that relates to statistics data, and conducting a statistical analysis to be presented to beneficiary fronts. The administration arranges the annual budget project in light of the university's demands, and to ensure the success of its vision, message, and the embodiment of its goals in reality. In addition, it arranges with specialized administration potential projects to discuss, list under the university budget, and prepare a proper disbursement plan. Besides conducting any additional work that is assigned to it and goes under its specialties.
The Administration Strategy
The General Administration for Budget and Planning is looking forward to becoming a source of institutional work and an example of the best administrational and financial practices.
The administration seeks to make a noticeable development in the financial system across the university, to achieve the expenditure efficiency, and to benefit the most from the budgets in order to create an extra value to all university units.
The administration goals revolve around two aspects: solutions to occurring problematic issues and the development of the proceeding work.
- Focusing on data and its quality.
- The transformation to the Project-Management method.
- Issuing various and regular financial reports.
- Establishing performance measurement indexes.
- Activating the administration relationships
Principles and Values
- Commitment to the supreme moral values and to be characterized by the qualities of honesty and loyalty.
- Transparency: Providing data and information and releasing them electronically to professionals in an integrated and precise manner at the right time.
- Respect: having good manners, respect, and appreciation for everyone.
- Cooperation: team-spirit work between the administration and sectors' staff who are affiliated with each other's departments.
- Quality and Development: commitment to the quality of performance, implementation precision, and continuous valuation in all our administrative, financial, and operational projects, as well as to the mechanization of procedures.
- Resources Sustainability: maintaining the continuation of the university earnings and its institutional resources such as human, financial, material, electronic, and environmental resources, which support the implementation of policies and achieve expenditure efficiency in the framework of the national budget.
The Administration Tasks
- Receiving the university budget from the Ministry of Finance, summarizing it, and presenting it to His Excellency the President of the University to certify it.
- Arranging regulations and policies that contribute in achieving expenditure efficiency and raise the operational efficiency in the university sectors.
- Notify all university sectors of the instructions and policies of the received budget from the Ministry of Finance after its approval to be implemented.
- Arranging the annual budget project that aligns with the strategic plan according to the rules of preparing the budget and its forms that are published by the Ministry of Finance.
- Spreading and raising awareness about the role of the Expenditure Efficiency Center and implementing the university budget within the approved regulations by the Ministry of Finance that align with Saudi Vision 2030.
- Scheduling the public expenditure from the approved annual budget for the university, which depends on the Ministry of Finance classifications and according to each expense.
- Studying and analyzing the details of the university's expenditure and operational and capitalistic practices to determine the chances of achieving expenditure efficiency as well as determining the fiscal deficit and economies.
- Effective contribution to all university sectors to study their demands accordingly.
- Coordination with units and departments in studying the possible demands of the financial allocations.
- Monitoring the spending details of the credited budget through electronic means.
- Granting permissions and approving contracts and financial transactions using indoor and outdoor electronic systems.
- Regular reporting on achievements and challenges, and specifying work demands.
- Preparing the resolutions of transactions and consolidations according to the reported systems by the Ministry of Finance.
- Preparing schedules for the implementation of financial allocations in light of what is approved of the budget.
- Implementing the financial plans for the university fronts.
- Writing a report on the university's achievement during the fiscal year.
- Contributing to preparing the annual financial report and submitting it to Their Royal Highness after its approval by His Excellency, the University President.
Director’s Speech
"The General Administration for Budget and Planning is keen on changing the financial perspective in King Khalid University by establishing a number of principles and values, and preserving the previously acquired experience in the administration work field. Therefore, change was necessary to accommodate the aspirations of the university's leadership as well as the country's vision of the present and future. In order to make King Khalid University in the lead, the financial procedures in the financial system of the university, among specialized administrative units, have been updated as well as joining the strategic plan with expenditure at all levels to achieve the university's 2030 vision. Asking Allah for more success and development "
- Abdullah bin Ahmad Al-Muri, Director of The General Administration for Budget and Planning
The General Administration for Budget and Planning Units
The units are responsible for implementing the administration tasks and operations in their two sectors: The administrative and the financial. These units are:
Secretary, Communications, Archiving, and Follow-Up Unit:
The number of employees has to rise, in this unit, by 3 and its tasks are the following;
- Implementing the secretary tasks
- Archiving documents electronically and on paper.
- Following up on all of the administrations' transactions and periodically writing reports on them.
- Following up on the response pace between the university units and the administration's letters.
- Reviewing the director's future appointments and making the necessary arrangements for them.
- Following up intensively on the administration employees' work pace in all units.
Financial and Administrative Procedures Analysis and Follow-Up Unit:
This unit operates in several tasks where its main focus is studying, developing, and reengineering the financial system of the university to save time and effort as well as increase the quality level. Some of its specialties are:
- Monitoring the procedures inside the financial system of the university.
- Following up on what has been updated or asked to be edited or corrected on the platforms of "Etimad" and the financial system.
- Enhancing the procedures of the financial planning operation and following them up with official fronts and transforming those procedures to full automation.
- Enhancing and developing procedures within the administration.
- Studying any adjustments on the procedures with variant work teams.
Financial Planning Unit:
This unit reaches for the best plans for the university's financial resources that align with the instructions of the government budget and expenditure efficiency center. The unit's tasks are:
- The extraction of financial data in high quality.
- Constructing the university's public budget project.
- Studying the clauses of the university budget and following up on disbursement percentages.
- Enhancing financial reports that are issued by the administration.
- Arranging studies regarding the financial issues and finding permeant solutions for them.
- Following up on in-progress contracts.
- The partaking of the advisory team in the project's administration.
- Following up on the indicators of the financial performance.
Allocations and Clauses Follow-Up Unit:
This unit is responsible for reservations and allocations of every financial claim in the framework of the clauses of the university's budget that aligns with the instructions of the government. Their tasks are:
- Responsible for allocations on every clause and placing them in the right place.
- Registering all transactions that don’t have liquidity or appropriation in the (liquidity crisis) document that is uploaded on google drive in order for it to be considered when preparing for financial transfer.
- Reversing allocations that are exclusive to the contracts of operations and management on the (contracts of operations and management) document that is uploaded on google drive.
- Reversing allocations that are exclusive to terms of service on the (terms of service) document that is uploaded on google drive.
- Updating the (Compensation of employees) document that is uploaded on google drive.
- Updating the (temporary allocations) document that is uploaded on google drive.
- Updating the (clauses monitoring) document that is uploaded on google drive.
- Writing weekly and fortnightly reports regarding the limitation of allocations and monitoring them.
Demand Analysis and Financial Efficiency Unit:
This unit is specialized in achieving financial efficiency through demand analysis to see the adequacy of the demands of different fronts in the university by forming an advisory, technical, substantive, and engineering team. The unit tasks are:
- Studying all projects contracts and ongoing programs as well as monitoring them financially and administratively.
- Studying all of the strategic plan initiatives and whether to approve them or not.
- Studying the demands for the new capital and operational contracts and comparing them with the current contracts.
- Preparing forms to study the purpose of the approved capital and operational contracts.
- Preparing work procedures in agreement with the procedures unit.
Formation Unit:
The unit tasks are:
- Conforming and scrutinizing all jobs with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development and providing them with the decisions and data of employees and jobs.
- Job reservations to hire, promote, and contract with Saudis and Non-Saudis.
- Registering and monitoring updated job positions at the university and reporting them to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.
- Completing promotion arrangements according to statutory procedures.
- Completing the procedures of position redeployment whether from or to the university.
- Completing the procedures of job modification and reporting them to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.
- Providing internal bodies with statistics and reports.
- Preparing a statement of job promotions and the qualifications of university staff.
- Following up on unimplemented decisions on the administrative and financial system and making sure of updating the data and job occurrences as well as reviewing and processing false and unregistered data.
- Registering and updating occurrences and attaching needed documents to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development through the (Tawtheeq) system.
Administration Employees
No. | Name | Position | Tel. | |
1 | Abdullah Ahmad Al-Muri | Director of The General Administration for Budget and Planning | 0172419494 | |
2 | Mushabbab Mani' | Administrative Communications Unit | 0172419813 | |
3 | Majed Alshahrani | Secretary, Communications, Archiving, and Follow-Up Unit | 0172419403 | |
4 | Muhammad Mubarak Al-Shumrani | The President of the Financial Planning Unit | 0172419405 | |
5 | Jaber Al-Malki | Financial Efficiency Unit | 0172419082 | |
6 | Awadh Al-Qahtani | Financial Planning Unit | 0172418063 | |
7 | Nurah Oudha | Financial Planning Unit | 0172416526 | |
8 | Yazeed Abdullah | The President of the Allocations and Clauses Follow-Up Unit | 0172419406 | |
9 | Ali Marshan | Allocations Unit | 0172419402 | |
10 | Hassan Ibrahim | Allocations Unit | 0172418325 | |
11 | Abdullah Fahad | Allocations Unit | 0172419404 | |