King Khalid University
kkuMyKKU Services
kkuMyKKU Services
in 5 monthsThuAug 14-08-2025
End of Summer Semester ExamsEnd of Summer Semester Exams
in 4 monthsSunAug 10-08-2025
Start of Final ExamsStart of Final Exams
in 4 monthsSatAug 02-08-2025
Final deadline to drop a class or courseFinal deadline to drop a class or course
in 4 monthsSunJul 13-07-2025
Start of deadline to drop a semester or courseStart of deadline to drop a semester or course
in 3 monthsSunJun 22-06-2025
Start of classesStart of classes
in 2 monthsThuMay 29-05-2025
start of Eid al-Adha holiday and Start of end-of-year breakstart of Eid al-Adha holiday and Start of end-of-year break
in a monthSunMay 11-05-2025
Start of final examsStart of final exams
in 24 daysSatApr 19-04-2025
Final deadline to drop a class or courseFinal deadline to drop a class or course
in 24 daysSatApr 19-04-2025
Final deadline to withdraw from the universityFinal deadline to withdraw from the university
in 11 daysSunApr 06-04-2025
Resume classes after mid-semester breakResume classes after mid-semester break
6 days agoThuMar 20-03-2025
Start of Eid al-Fitr holidayStart of Eid al-Fitr holiday
a month agoSunFeb 23-02-2025
Founding Day holidayFounding Day holiday
2 months agoSunFeb 09-02-2025
Final deadline to drop a class or courseFinal deadline to drop a class or course
2 months agoSatJan 18-01-2025
Final deadline to defer registrationFinal deadline to defer registration
2 months agoSunJan 12-01-2025
Start of classes in Second SemesterStart of classes in Second Semester
4 months agoSunNov 17-11-2024
Resume classes after mid-semester breakResume classes after mid-semester break
6 months agoSunSep 22-09-2024
National Day holidayNational Day holiday
6 months agoSunSep 15-09-2024
Final deadline to drop a semester or courseFinal deadline to drop a semester or course
7 months agoSatAug 24-08-2024
Final deadline to defer semester Final deadline to defer semester
7 months agoSunAug 18-08-2024
Start of the academic year 1446Start of the academic year 1446
7 months agoThuAug 15-08-2024
End of final exams for the summer semesterEnd of final exams for the summer semester
8 months agoSunAug 11-08-2024
Return of faculty members Return of faculty members
8 months agoSunAug 11-08-2024
Start of final exams for the summer semesterStart of final exams for the summer semester
8 months agoSunAug 11-08-2024
Start of deferral the semester Start of deferral the semester