
College of Arts and Sciences in Almajardah Organizes "Towards a Digital Society" Project King Khalid University, represented by the College of Arts and Sciences in Almajardah, recently organized the "Towards a Digital Society" project, which aimed to enhance technical excellence and the culture of technology among members of society. المزيد
Students of the College of Arts and Science in Majardah Support Tihama Entities with Applications and Websites The students of the College of Arts and Science in Majardah, carried out 13 graduation projects, which work as service projects for various local community bodies in the Tihama sector. المزيد
Excellence in E-Learning benefits 1127 people The Collage of Science and Arts in Al-Majardah (the University Branch in Tuhamma) continued its initiative “Excellence in E-Learning” by organizing five workshops for faculty members. المزيد
e-Learning Workshops at the College of Arts and Science at Al Majardah Governorate The Female Section at the College of Arts and Science at King Khalid University - Al Majardah Governorate, recently launched the "Excellence in E-learning" initiative, with the aim of educating college faculty members and students on the importance and mechanisms of e-learning. المزيد
The University Science and Arts in Al- Majardah launches the distinguish e-learning Initiative King khaled university represented by college of science and art in almejardah, launched Distinguish in e-learning initiative, which aims to optimize the use of e-learning tools. المزيد