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Dr. Munassir Alhamami Wins University Excellence Award

Dr. Munassir Alhamami placed third among all faculty members in King Khalid University's Award for Scientific Research Excellence in 2020.

The excellence award is conferred by the Office of the Vice Rector for Academic Development and Quality and the Deanship of Academic Development and Quality. The award aims to encourage faculty members to increase their research quality as part of King Khalid University's plan to accelerate excellence in research and creative expression.

Dr. Alhamami has 12 publications from 2018 to 2020 and nearly 2 dozen in total from 2013, reflecting internationally-competitive research outcomes.

Of note, Dr. Alhamami published a book entitled "Directions to Digital Language Learning and Teaching (DLL&T)". He also boasts more than 20 conference presentations in the last decade, which indicates his active participation in international conferences worldwide as part of his membership in several international language teaching associations.

Dr. Alhamami is an Associate Professor at the Department of English, where he serves as chair and vice dean of graduate studies and scientific research. He's a member of the editorial board of the following international and regional journals:

  • Arab Journal of Applied Linguistics from May 5, 2018, to present;
  • King Khalid University Journal of Language Studies from October 24, 2018, to present
  • System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics from January 13, 2020, to present

Every year, King Khalid University honors exceptional faculty members that shine for a number of reasons. Dr. Alhamami exhibited extraordinary standards in both research output and quality. In addition to the information mentioned above, Dr. Alhamami has received several awards and appreciation certificates from diverse organizations in government and private industry.