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Al-Husami, Arabic Literature and Critique Professor , Wins Rashid bin Humaid Culture & Science Award

Prof. Abdul Hamid Saif Al-Husami, Arabic Literature and Critique professor of Arabic Language and Literature at the College of Human Sciences at King Khalid University, won the Rashid Bin Hamid Award for Culture and Science for the 37th season in the field of literary critique. Al Husami came in second place for his study"Visual Narration” of (The Second Dog's War)" in the category of literary critique which was recently announced in the United Arab Emirates.

Prof. Abdul Hamid Saif was among 312 participants who competed for the award, his study was among 34 studies in the literary critique category.

Al Husami, expressed his joy on winning the award, he also explained that his research was according to the semiotic approach, which seeks to interrogate the semantics of the the novel, to form a general significance in the novel.

Its worth noting, that the Rashid bin Humaid Culture & Science Award is considered one the most important Arabic Awards, which its Board of Trustees have recently decided after the great success of the award, to allow participations from around the Arab world ,with the aim of creating a cultural and scientific movement.