King Khalid University
kkuMyKKU Services
kkuMyKKU Services

FAQ Nomination for academic leaders Service

An integrated system that receives applications for leadership positions at the university, evaluates the candidates by the system members, gets endorsements from deputies and peers, and issues a final evaluation report to be presented to the university president.

Access the service through My KKU using your username and password, then select the “Nomination for academic leaders” service.

•The candidate must hold an advanced academic degree (PhD) in their field of expertise.
• The candidate must have previous experience in university teaching or academic work for at least 5 years.
• The candidate should demonstrate strong leadership skills and the ability to effectively manage academic teams.
• The candidate must adhere to high standards of professional and academic ethics.
• The candidate should have participated in training programs or workshops specialized in academic leadership.
• The candidate must have a clear vision for the development of the academic institution they are being nominated to lead.
• The candidate must receive a recommendation from colleagues or former supervisors in the academic field.