King Khalid University
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kkuMyKKU Services


The President

Name:  Falleh R. M. Al-Solamy

Degree: PhD (professor rank) 

Job title: President of King Khalid University, Abha from 18/09/1437 AH, corresponding to June 24, 2016 AD.

Specialization:   Mathematics – Differential Geometry

Contact:  fsolamy@kku.edu.sa



  • PhD / Mathematics (Differential Geometry) in 1998, Department of Mathematics, University of Wales Swansea, Swansea , U.K .
  • B.Sc. / Mathematics in 1992, Department of Mathematics, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.


Employment History:

  • July, 2010 – June, 2016 (Professor), Department of Mathematics, KingAbdulaziz University,  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  • June, 2009 – July, 2010 (Professor-Visiting), Department of Mathematics, University of Tabuk,  Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.
  • September, 2007 – June, 2009 (Associate Professor-Visiting),      Department of Mathematics, University of Tabuk,  Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.
  • May, 2006 –  September, 2007 (Associate Professor-Visiting ),    Department of Mathematics, JazanUniversity,  Jazan, Saudi Arabia.
  • March, 2005 –May, 2006(Associate Professor), Department of Mathematics, KingAbdulazizUniversity,  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.​
  • September, 1998 – March, 2005 (Assistant Professor), Department of Mathematics, KingAbdulAzizUniversity,  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  • May, 1994 – September, 1998 (Ph.D Student), Department of Mathematics, University of WalesSwansea,  UK.
  • December, 1992 – May, 1994 (Teaching Assistance), Department of Mathematics, KingAbdulazizUniversity,  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.


Educational and administrative jobs

King Khalid University – Abha – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • June, 2016 – Present (President), King Khalid University – Abha – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

King Abdul Aziz University – Jeddah – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • 2014 -June, 2016  (Consultant),University Vice Presidency of Academic Affairs, King AbdulAziz University,  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  • 2014 -June, 2016  (Member - Representative of the Faculty of Science),Permanent Academic Promotion Committee, King AbdulAziz University,  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  • 2014 -June, 2016  (Member),Council of Community College, King AbdulAziz University,  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  • 2002-2006 (Vice Dean for Programs and Developments),Deanship of Graduate Studies, KingAbdulAzizUniversity,  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  • 2002- 2006 (Member), Graduate Studies Council, Deanship of Graduate Studies, KingAbdulAzizUniversity,  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  • Chairman and Member of many of (Scientific, Administrative, financial) committee, KingAbdulAzizUniversity

University of Tabuk – Tabuk – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • 2010-2013 (Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research),University of Tabuk,  Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.

  • 2010- 2011 (Acting Vice President for Development and Quality),University of Tabuk,  Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.

  • 2007-2010(Vice President),University of Tabuk,  Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.

  • 2007- 2010(Acting Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research), University of Tabuk,  Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.

  • 2007- 2013 (Secretary General - University Council), University of Tabuk,  Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.
  • 2007- 2013(Chairman - Scientific Council), University of Tabuk,  Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.
  • 2007- 2013 (Chairman - Teaching Assistant, Lecturers, Language Instructors and Research Assistants Committee), University of Tabuk,  Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.
  • 2007- 2013(Chairman – Scholarships and Training Committee), University of Tabuk,  Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.
  • Chairman and Member of many of (Scientific, Administrative, financial) committee, University of Tabuk,  Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.

Jazan University – Jazan – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • 2006-2007 (Member - University Council),JazanUniversity,  Jazan, Saudi Arabia.
  • 2006-2007 (Member - Scientific Council),JazanUniversity,  Jazan, Saudi Arabia.
  • 2006-2007 (Dean of Admission and Registration),JazanUniversity,  Jazan, Saudi Arabia.
  • 2006- 2007 (Acting Dean, Faculty of Science), JazanUniversity,  Jazan,, Saudi Arabia.
  • 2006- 2007 (Director - InformationTechnologyCenter), JazanUniversity,  Jazan,, Saudi Arabia.
  • Chairman and Member of many of (Scientific, Administrative, financial) committee,JazanUniversity,  Jazan,, Saudi Arabia.

Fahad Bin Sultan University – Tabuk – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • Member of the Board of Trustees from the academic Year 2013/2014 till 2015/2016.

Field of Specialization / Interest:

Differential Geometry and its Application.


Research Projects:

  1. Member and vice-chairman of research team of the track of “Graduate Studies”, AAFAQ - A Future Plan for University Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  2. Development and continuous improvement prospectives for Post-Graduate studies sector at King AbdulAziz university : An empirical study on the attitudes of graduates of Post-Graduate studies programs, Institute of Research and Consultation – King Abdulaziz University.
  3. Designing a Total Quality Apparatus for departmental Self-review of  Post-Graduate Programs, ScientificResearch Council – King Abdulaziz University. 
  4. The design and application of Total Quality Management Program for Post-Graduate Studies, Scientific Research Council – King Abdulaziz University. 
  5. Establishing a data base program for dissertation abstracts approved at King Abdulaziz University, Scientific   Research Council – King Abdulaziz University.
  6. Geometry of Submersion of Cauchy-Riemann Submanifolds, Scientific Research Council – King Abdulaziz University. 
  7. Geometry of Submanifolds of locally conformal Quaternion Kaehler manifold,      Scientific Research Council – King Abdulaziz University.
  8. A new Approach of Geometry of One-Parameter Spatial Motion, Institute of Research and Consultation – King Abdulaziz University.
  9. Compact Hypersurfaces of Nearly Kaehler Six Sphere, Institute of Research and Consultation – King Abdulaziz University.
  10. The Curvature Theory of Ruled Surfaces, Institute of Research and Consultation – King Abdulaziz University.
  11. Geometry of some submanifolds of an Einstein manifold, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology.
  12. Characterization of Einstein manifolds, Deanship of Scientific Research – King Abdulaziz University.
  13. Geometry of Warped Product Submanifolds,Deanship of Scientific Research – King Abdulaziz University.
  14. General Submanifolds of a Kaehler Manifold,Deanship of Scientific Research – King Abdulaziz University.
  15. The application of the course portfolio concept as a mechanism to develop the teaching learning process at University of Tabuk, Research and Consultation Unit – University of Tabuk.
  16. The Effective Preparation and Development of Teaching Staff members at Tabuk University: A New Perspective, Deanship of Scientific Research - University of Tabuk.
  17. Geometry of warped product submanifolds of real manifolds, Deanship of Scientific Research – KingAbdulaziz University.
  18. Optimality Conditions and Duality in Minimax Programming, Deanship of Scientific Research – King AbdulAziz University.


Thesis Supervision:

Ph.D Thesis

  1. A study of Submanifold of almost Hermitian and almost contact metric    manifold, Ph.D Thesis, (Reem Al-Gafari), (Mathematics Department -  Girls College of Education - Jeddah), (2006).
  2. Study aboutthe general submanifolds of a Kaehler Manifold, Ph.D Thesis, (AmeeraEshan), (Mathematics Department -  Girls College of Education - Makkah) (2010).
  3. Some Geometric Inequalities on Warped Product Submanifolds,Ph.D Thesis, (Monia Fouad Naghi ), (Mathematics Department -  King Abdulaziz University).

M.Sc Thesis

  1. On Solitons in principal Chiral model, Master Thesis, (Sara Al-Zaied), (Mathematics Department -  King AbdulAziz University), (2005).
  2. On Geometry of CR-Submanifold of almost contact metric manifold, Master Thesis, (Amani Saloom), (Mathematics Department -  KingAbdulAzizUniversity), (2006).
  3. A study of Submanifolds of trans-Sasakian manifold, Master Thesis, (Basma Al-Dakel), (Mathematics Department - Girls College of Education - Makkah), (2007).
  4. On Lorentzian Para-Sasakian Manifold and their Submanifolds, Master Thesis, (Limea Al-Khatani), (Mathematics Department -  GirlsCollege of Education - Jeddah), (2007).
  5. Geometry of tangent bundles of some almost Hermitian manifolds, Master Thesis, (GadahMatar), (Mathematics Department -  KingAbdulAzizUniversity), (2006).
  6. On geometry of submersions of Cauchy Riemann submanifolds, Master Thesis, (Libna Al-Hamomi), (Mathematics Department -  KingAbdulAzizUniversity), (2006).
  7. Geometry of submanifolds of S-manifolds, Master Thesis, (Azeb Al-Ghanmi), (Mathematics Department -  KingAbdulAzizUniversity), (2007).
  8. On Geometry of submanifolds of generalized Sasakian space form, Master Thesis, (Manal Al-Rohdan), (Mathematics Department -  KingAbdulAzizUniversity), (2007).
  9. Geometry of warped product submanifolds of Kaehler manifolds, Master Thesis, (Nadia Al-luhaibi), (Mathematics Department -  KingAbdulAzizUniversity), (2008).
  10. Warped  product submanifolds of almost contact manifolds, Master Thesis, (RouaMakki), (Mathematics Department -  KingAbdulAzizUniversity), (2008).
  11. Geometry of Hemi-Slant submanifolds of almost contact manifolds, Master Thesis, (HajarAbutuqayqah), (Mathematics Department -  KingAbdulAzizUniversity) (2012).
  12. Warped product submanifolds of Nearly Kaehler manifolds, Master Thesis, (Hanadi Al-Harthy), (Mathematics Department -  KingAbdulazizUniversity), (2015).
  13. Geometry of semi-Slant Submanifolds and their warped product of S-manifolds, Master Thesis, (Salha Al-Tharwi), (Mathematics Department -  King Abdulaziz University), (2015).
  14. Some geometric inequalities on warped product submanifolds of nearly cosymplectic manifolds, Master Thesis, (NouraAl-Houiti), (Mathematics Department -  King Abdulaziz University).


  1. University of Wales Gregynog pure mathematics colloquium, 30 May – 1      June, 1995.
  2. University of Wales Gregynog pure mathematics colloquium, 1996.
  3. University of Wales Gregynog pure mathematics colloquium, 1997.
  4. International congress on mathematical physics (ICMP) 2000, 17-22 July      2000, Imperial Collage, London, UK.
  5. The 6th International Conference of Tensor Society on Differential Geometry   and its Applications, 5-9 Aug. 2002, Tsukuba, JAPAN. (Speaker).
  6. The 6th Meeting of Saudi Association for Mathematical Science (SAMS), 9-10 April 2002, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  7. International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications (ICMA04),  April 5-7,   2004, Kuwait. (Speaker).
  8. International Conference On Statistics and Mathematics and Its Application in  the  Development of Science and Technology, October 4-6, 2004, Bandung, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker).
  9. Fourth Asian Mathematical Conference (AMC2005), July 20-23, 2005, National  University of Singapore, Singapore. (Speaker).
  10. First Arab Conference on Environmental Studies and Research, February 24 –26, 2007, Arab League, Cairo, Egypt.
  11. Saudi International Innovation Conference 2008, June 09 –10, 2008, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
  12. International Conference on Nanotechnology : Opportunities and Challenges (ICON 008), June 17-19, 2008, KingAbdulAziziUniversity, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. (Session Chairman).
  13. The International Conference "Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems - 2012"(DGDS-2012), 29 August - 2 September 2012, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Mangalia, Romania.
  14. International Conference on Differential Geometry, Functional Analysis and Applications, September 8-10, 2012, JamiaMilliaIslamia, New Delhi-110025, India (Plenary Speaker and Session Chairman).
  15. The Second International Conference for Assessmentand Evaluation under the theme “Learning Outcomes Assessment”, from 1st to 3rd Dec, 2015–Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)- The National Center for Assessment in Higher Education.


  1. Workshop in Means to implement the document of view of HRH prince Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz on Higher Education, King AbdulAziz University,  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  2. Strategic planning for Graduate Studies sector at KingAbdulAzizUniversity, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  3. Workshop on integration relation’s between the sectors of vice presidency of development at KingAbdulAzizUniversity,  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  4. DACUM Chart for Faculty’s Vice dean for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at KingAbdulAzizUniversity,  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  5. Workshop on “The Reality of Graduate Studies and Scholarship in SaudiUniversities and GirlsColleges” – June 4-6, 2006 – King Abdulaziz University – Jeddah – Saudi Arabia.
  6. Workshop on “Establishing Internal Quality Assurance Systems” – September 19-20, 2006 - National Commission for Academic Accreditation & Assessment – Riyadh – Saudi Arabia.
  7. Workshop on Establishing Total Quality Management Systems Internally – September 19-20, 2006, National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  8. Seminar on Graduate Studies in the Gulf Arab Stats,  November 26-27, 2006, KingFaisalUniversity, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A Paper was submitted on  "The Importance of Collective Strategic Planning in Post-Graduate Studies in Universities in the Gulf Arab States – A Study within the Framework of the Experience of the European  Union".
  9. The 2nd National Workshop on the Future Plan for higher Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – AAFAQ – Issues on Higher Education, Preliminary Technical Studies  -  December  4-5, 2006, King Faisal Auditorium, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  10. The 1st Workshop on Building a Strategic Plan for Information Technology in KingAbdulAzizUniversity – January 10-11, 200 – Crown Plaza Hotel, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  11. The 3rd Workshop on Electronic and Distance Learning in Institutions of Higher Education – Organizing Regulations for Distance Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Issues and Expectations – March  13-14, 2007 – Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah , Saudi Arabia.
  12. Workshop on preparatory year in developing universities, April 28, 2008, University of Tabuk, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.
  13. Workshop in Course Syllabus Evaluation Review, October 24-25, 2014, University of Tabuk, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia. 
  14. Workshop in Measurement and Evaluation at Universities Betwen Theory and Practice, March 2-3, 2015, University of Tabuk, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia. 


Teaching Interest:

Undergraduate Courses

  • Calculus
  • Mathematics for Economics
  • Logic and Set Theory
  • Analytic Geometry and Vector Calculus
  • Ordinary Differential Equation
  • Differential Geometry

Graduate Courses

  • Differentiable Manifold
  • Riemannian Geometry
  • Submanifold Theory
  • Complex Differential Geometry
  • Special Topic in Differential Geometry
  • Seminar
  • Master  and Ph.D Thesis

Memberships of academic societies:

  1. London Mathematical Society (LMS), since 1998.
  2. Institute of Physics (IOP), since 1999.
  3. Saudi Association for Mathematical Sciences (SAMS), since 2002.
  4. Tensor Society, Japan, since 2002.
  5. Saudi Computer Society, Saudi Arabia, since 2001.
  6. American Mathematical Society, USA, since 2007.

Thesis Examinations:

External Examiner for the following Ph.D thesis :

  1. Evolution of Riemannian manifolds prescribed by their curvatures, Mathematics Department, Girls  College of Science in Dammam. (2007).
  2.  Study on ridges and singularities for Riemannian manifolds, Mathematics Department, Girls College of Education, RiyadhUniversity for Women. (2008).
  3. Kinematics differential geometry of line manifolds in Euclidean 3-space
    . Mathematics Department, Girls College of Education, KingAbdulAzizUniversity. (2009).
  4. Line geometry and its applications in correction of Irregularity region, Mathematics Department, Girls  College of Science in Dammam – KingFasalUniversity. (2009).
  5. Geometry of the tangent bundle, Mathematics Department, King Saud University. (2011).

External Examiner for the following M.Sc thesis :

  1. Study of some immersions into space forms, Mathematics Department, Girls  College of Education in Jeddah. (2001).
  2. Study of some geometric properties for subsets of manifolds, Mathematics Department, Girls  College of Education in Jeddah. (2001).
  3. Study on stability of deformed submanifolds and their geometrical properties, Mathematics Department, Girls  College of Science in Dammam. (2001).
  4. On the Curvature Theory of Line Manifolds in Euclidean 2-Space,     Mathematics Department, GirlsCollege of Education in Makkah. (2002).
  5. On Infinite dimensional differentiable manifolds of constant curvature of   Banach type, Mathematics Department, Girls College of Education in Riyadh. (2002).
  6. Geometry of Slant Submanifolds, Mathematics Department, King Saud   University, Riyadh. (2005).
  7. Criterion for a Submanifold of a Euclidean Space to lie on a Hypersphere, Mathematics Department, King Saud   University, Riyadh. (2006).
  8. Real Hypersurfaces of a Complex Projective Space, Mathematics Department, King Saud   University, Riyadh. (2006).
  9. Jacobi fields and their applications, Mathematics Department, KingSaudUniversity, Riyadh. (2006).
  10. Complete Left-Symmetric Structures on Lie Algebras, Mathematics Department, KingSaudUniversity, Riyadh. (2007).
  11. On the Instantaneous line congruences in Euclidean 3-space
    Mathematics Department , Girls College of Education, UmmAl-QuraUniversity. (2008).
  12. Study on infinitesimal rigid motions of Euclidean submanifolds, Mathematics Department, Girls College of Education, RiyadhUniversity for Women. (2008).
  13. Cellular convex folding of compact surfaces, Mathematics Department, Girls College of Education, Prince Nora BintAbdalrahman University - Riyadh. (2009).
  14. A Conformal class of Riemannian metrics, Mathematics Department, Girls College of Education, PrinceNoraBintAbdalrahmanUniversity - Riyadh. (2009).
  15. On the warped product manifolds, Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, KingAbdulAzizUniversity(2010).
  16. Folding of simplicial complexes, Mathematics Department, Faculty of Applied Science (Girls Section), UmmAl-QuraUniversity (2009).
  17. Geometry of submanifolds of T-manifold, Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science for Girls, KingAbdulAzizUniversity (2011).
  18. Study on developable ruled surfaces in Lorentz's 3-space
    Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, PrinceNoraBintAbdalrahmanUniversity - Riyadh (2012).
  19. On the Retractions of FazzyLobachevsky Space, Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Taibah University, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah(2013).
  20. On The Geodesic ray property in Hadamard Manifolds, Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Taibah University, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah (2014).
  21. On lightlike manifolds, Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Taibah University, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah (2014).
  22. On starshaped sets in Riemannian manifolds, Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Taibah University, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah (2014).

Internal Examiner for the following M.Sc. Thesis :

  1. Total absolute curvature of immersed manifolds, Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, KingAbdulAzizUniversity.
  2. Geometry of  CR-Submanifolds of some almost Hermition Manifolds, Faculty of  Science,       KingAbdulAzizUniversity. (2005).

Awards received:

Rowland Wilson prize in Pure Mathematics from University of Wales Swansea, UK, 1996.


  1. Saleh Abdullah R. Al-Mezel, Falleh Rajallah M. Al-Solamy, Qamrul Hasan Ansari (Eds.), Fixed Point Theory, Variational Analysis, and Optimization, CRC Press, (2014).
  2. SorinDragomir, Mohammad Hasan Shahid and Falleh R. Al-Solamy(Eds.), Geometry of Cauchy-Riemann Submanifolds, Springer, Singapore, (2016).


  1. Falleh R. Al-Solamy and E. J. Beggs, Soliton decay, time delays and breathers in the Chiral equation, Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 14, Nos. 10&11 (1999), 631- 649.
  2. M. H. Shahid and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Submersion of Quaternion CR-submanifolds of a Quaternion Kaehler manifold, Math. J. Toyama Univ., Vol. 23 (2000), 93-113.
  3. M. S. Ismail and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, A numerical study Of K(3,2) equation, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 76 (2001), 549-560.
  4. Falleh R. Al-Solamy and E. J. Beggs, GeneralisedHopf algebras for solitons, Int. Jour. of Math. and Math. Sci., Vol. 29, No. 12 (2002), 701-718.
  5. Falleh R. Al-Solamy, CR-Submanifolds of a nearly trans-Sasakian manifold, Int. J. Math. Math. Sci., Vol. 31, No. 3 (2002), 167-175.
  6. Falleh R. Al-Solamy,Some results on generic submanifolds of manifolds with generalised 3-Sasakian structure,  Tensor, N. S., Vol. 63, No. 3 (2002), 207-215.
  7. Falleh R. Al-Solamy, On the geometry of 3-contact CR-Submanifolds of manifolds with generalised 3-Sasakian structure, Arab J. Math. Sc., Vol. 9, No. 1 (2003), 15-28.
  8. Falleh R. Al-Solamy, On CR-Submanifolds of
    -Contact space form, Intern. Math. Journal, Vol. 3, No. 11 (2003), 1203-1213.
  9. I. Mihai, F. Al-Solamy and M. H. Shahid, On Ricci Curvature of a quuaternion CR-Submanifold in a quaternion space form, RadoviMatematicki, Vol. 12 (2003), 1-7.
  10. F. R. Al-Solamy, CR-Submanifolds of locally conformal almost cosymplectic manifolds, JP J. Geometry and Topology, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2003), 167-178.
  11. F. R. Al-Solamy, Some results on QR-Submanifolds of a generalised 3-Sasakian manifold, International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra Vol. 13, No. 6 (2003), 437-442.
  12. Reem Al-Ghefari, Falleh R. Al-Solamy and M. H. Shahid, Ricci tensor and scalar curvatures of CR-Submanifolds of
    -Contact space forms, Thai J. Math. Vol. 2, No. 2 (2004), 227-237.
  13. I. Mihai, M. H. Shahid and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Ricci Curvature of a contact CR-Submanifold in a generalized Sasakian space form, Review Bull. Cal. Math. Soc. Vol. 13, No. (1&2) (2005), 89-94
  14. Reem Al-Ghefari, M. H. Shahid and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Submersion of CR-Submanifolds of Locally Conformal Kaehler manifold, Contributions to Algebra and Geometry Vol. 47, No. 1 (2006), 147-159.
  15. Reem Al-Ghefari, Falleh R. Al-Solamy and M. H. Shahid, CR-Submanifolds of  Generalized Sasakian space forms, JP J. Geometry and Topology Vol. 6, No. 2 (2006), 151-166.
  16. Reem Al-Ghefari, Falleh R. Al-Solamy and M. H. Shahid, Contact CR-warped Product Submanifolds in Generalized Sasakian Space Forms, Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications Vol. 11, No. 2 (2006), 1-10.
  17. Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Contact CR-warped Product Submanifolds in Almost
    -Manifolds with Constant
    -Sectional Curvature, An. Stiint. Univ. “Al.I. Cuza”, Iasi, Tomul LII. S.I, Matematics, 2006, f.2, 423-432.
  18. 18- Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Semi-Invariant Product of a Certain class of Almost Contact Manifolds, Int. Math. Forum Vol. 1, No. 16 (2006), 763-768.
  19. Monia F. Naghi, M. H. Shahid and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Quaternion CR-Submanifold of Locally Conformal Quaternion Kaehler Manifold, Algebras Groups and Geometries Vol. 24, No. 1 (2007), 87-104.
  20. ShariefDeshmukh and Falleh Al-Solamy,A note on minimal hypersurfaces of the unit sphere, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol. 39, No. 1 (2007), 69-73.
  21. ShariefDeshmukh and Falleh Al-Solamy,Hypersurfaces of a Real Space Form, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol. 35, No. 4 (2007), 507-514.
  22. Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Spheres in an Euclidean Space, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sci. Vol. 2, No. 13 (2007), 607-613.
  23. ShariefDeshmukh and Falleh Al-Solamy,Hopf hypersurfaces in nearly Kaehler 6-sphere,Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications, Vol. 13 (1) (2008), 38-46.
  24. ShariefDeshmukh and Falleh Al-Solamy, Conformal Gradient Vector Fields on a compact Riemannian manifold, Colloquium Mathematicum Vol. 112, No. 1 (2008), 157-161.
  25. Falleh R. Al-Solamy and ViqarAzam Khan, Non-existence of non-trivial generic warped product in Kaehler manifolds, Note di Matematica 28 (2) (2008), 63-68.
  26. Falleh R. Al-Solamy and ViqarAzam Khan, Warped Product Semi-Slant Submanifolds of a Sasakian Manifold, Serdica Mathematical Journal Vol. 34 (3) (2008), 597-606.
  27. Falleh Al-Solamy, Submanifolds of Einstein Manifolds, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 28 (3)(2008), 657 - 666.
  28. Rashad A. Abdel-Baky and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, A new geometrical approach to one-parameter spatial motion, J. Eng. Math. 60 (2) (2008), 149-172.
  29. Falleh Al-Solamy, Hypersurfaces of Einstein Manifolds, JP Journal Geometry and Topology 9 (3) (2009), 239-248.
  30. Nadia S. Al-luhaibi, ViqarAzam Khan and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, CR-Warped Product Submanifolds of Nearly Kaehler Manifold, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 46 (5) (2009), 979-995.
  31. Ameera A. Eshan and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, General submanifolds of a Kaehler manifold. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 51 (2) (2009), 257-275.
  32. Ameera A. Eshan and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, General submanifolds of a Kaehler manifold-II. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 32 (2) (2009), 185-198.
  33. Falleh R. Al-Solamyand Reem Al-Ghefari, Hypersurfaces of a Sasakianmanifol. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 38 (2) (2010), 217-223.
  34. Falleh R. Al-Solamy and ViqarAzam Khan, A note on slant submanifolds of nearly trans-Sasakian manifolds, Mathematica Slovaca 60 (1) (2010), 129-136.
  35. Falleh R. Al-Solamy and Reem Al-Ghefari,Conformal Vector fields on a Kaehler manifold. Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems 13 (2011), 27-33.
  36. Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Meraj Ali Khan and Siraj Uddin, Totally umbilical hemi-slant submanifolds of Kaehler manifolds. Abstract and Applied Analysis 2011 (2011), 9 Pages. 
  37. Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Jeong-Sik Kim and Mukut Mani Tripathi, On
    -Einstein trans-Sasakian manifolds. ANALELE S_TIINT_IFICE ALE UNIVERSIT_AT_ II AL.I. CUZA" DIN IAS_I (S.N.) MATEMATIC_A, Tomul LVII, 2011, f.2, 417-
  38. M. H. Shahid and F. R. Al-Solamy, Ricci tensor of slant submanifolds in a quaternion projective space,ComptesRendusMathematique 349 (9-10) (2011), 571-573.
  39. Meraj Ali Khan and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Semi-invariant Warped Product Submanifolds of Almost Contact Manifolds, Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2012, 2012:127 (7 June 2012) doi:10.1186/1029-242X-2012-127
  40. ShariefDeshmukh and Falleh Al-Solamy, Conformal vector fields and conformaltransformations on a Riemannian manifold, Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications 17(1)  (2012), 9-16.
  41. Falleh R. Al-Solamy and Meraj Ali Khan, Semi-slant Warped Product Submanifolds of a Kenmotsu Manifold. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 708191, doi : 10.1155/2012/708191
  42. M. H. Shahid, F. R. Al-Solamy, Jae-Bok Jun and Mobin Ahmed, Submersion of semi-invariant submanifolds of trans-Sasakian manifold, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2) 36(1) (2013), 63–71.
  43. 43.  Falleh R. Al-Solamy and Meraj Ali Khan, Pseudo-slant Warped Product Submanifolds of a Kenmotsu Manifold. Mathematica Moravica 17-2 (2013), 51–61.​
  44. Absos Ali Shaikh, Falleh R Al-Solamy and Indranil Roy, On the existence of a new class of semi-Riemannian manifolds,Mathematical Sciences 2013, 7:46. doi:10.1186/2251-7456-7-46.​
  45. Ramesh Sharma, ShariefDeshmukh and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Almost contact LagrangianSubmanifolds Of Nearly Kaehler  6-Sphere. Results in Mathematics 65 (1-2) (2014), 143-153.
  46. Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Bang-Yen Chenand ShariefDeshmukh, Two optimal Inequalities for Anti-Holomorphic submanifolds and their Applications, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics (TJM) 18 (1) (2014), 199-217. DOI: 10.11650/tjm.18.2014.3241
  47. ShariefDeshmukh and Falleh R. Al-Solamy,Conformal Vector Fields on a Riemannian  Manifold, Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications, Vol.19, No.2, 2014, 86-93.
  48. ShariefDeshmukh and Falleh R. Al-Solamy,A Note on Conformal Vector Fields on a Riemannian  Manifold, Colloq. Math. 136 (2014), 65-73.
  49. Falleh R. Al-Solamy and Meraj Ali Khan, Hemi-slant Warped Product Submanifolds of Nearly Kaehler manifold, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 404851, 6 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/404851.
  50. Meraj Ali Khan, Izhar Ahmad and Falleh R. Al-Solamy,Geodesic r-preinvex functions on Riemannian manifolds, Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014,2014:144, http://www.journalofinequalitiesandapplications.com/content/2014/1/144.
  51. Falleh R. Al-Solamy and Meraj Ali Khan, Totally umbilical slant submanifolds of Riemannian product manifolds.Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive SystemsSeries A: Mathematical Analysis 21 (5) (2014) 379-386.
  52. Meraj Ali Khan, Falleh R. Al-Solamy,Sufficiency and duality in nondifferentiable minimax fractional programming with (Hp, r)-invexity,Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society (2015) 23, 208–213.
  53. Meraj Ali Khan, Falleh R. Al-Solamy and Amira A. Ishan, Totally Umbilical Pseudo-Slant Submainfolds of Riemannian Product Manifold,. Acta Universitatis Apulensis. No. 41/2015, pp. 79-87, doi: 10.17114/j.aua.2015.41.06.
  54. Sharief Deshmukh and Falleh R. Al-Solamy,A Note on Compact Trans-SasakianManifolds. Mediterr. J. Math., DOI 10.1007/s00009-015-0582-7. (2015).
  55. Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Mohammed Jamali, Jae-Bok Jun and Mohammad Hasan Shahid,Pseudo-umbilical spacelike submanifolds of de-Sitter space. Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society 18 (3) (2015), 389-402.
  56. Falleh R. Al-Solamy,An inequality for warped product pseudo-slant submanifolds of nearly cosymplectic manifolds.Journal of Inequalities and Applications  (2015) 2015:306, DOI 10.1186/s13660-015-0825-y.
  57. Meraj Ali Khan and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Second order duality for multiobjective optimization problems, J. COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, VOL. 20, NO.7, 2016
  58. ShariefDeshmukh, Uday Chand De and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Trans-Sasakian manifolds homothetic to Sasakian manifolds. Publ. Math. Debrecen 88/3-4 (2016), 439-448, DOI: 10.5486/PMD.2016.7398
  59. Meraj Ali Khan and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Totally umbilical  hemi-slant  submanifolds of  Kenmotsu  manifolds. Accepted for publication in Mathematica Moravica.
  60. Sirajuddin and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Warped product pseudo-slant submanifolds of cosymplectic manifolds. Accepted for publication in Annals of the AlexandruIoanCuza University - Mathematics.
  61. Meraj Ali Khan and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Application of Hopf’s Lemma on contact CR-warped product submanifolds of a nearly Kenmotsu manifold.Accepted for publication in Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society.
  62. Siraj Uddin, Falleh R. Al-Solamy and Khalid Ali Khan, Geometry of warped product pseudo-slant submanifolds in nearly Kaehler manifolds. Accepted for publication in Annals of the AlexandruIoanCuza University - Mathematics.
  63. Falleh R. Al-Solamy and Siraj Uddin, An inequality for warped product submanifolds of a locally product Riemannian manifold. Accepted for publication in Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics.
  64. Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Meraj Ali Khan and Izhar Ahmad, Duality in multiobjective nonlinear programming under generalized second order (F, b, φ, ρ, θ)− univex functions,Accepted for publication in J. COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS.
  65. Monia F. Naghi, Siraj Uddin and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Warped product submanifolds of Kenmotsu manifolds with slant fiber,Accepted for publication inFILOMAT.
  66. Siraj Uddin and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, Another proof of the inequality derived for warped product submanifolds of cosymplectic manifolds, Accepted for publication in Journal of Mathematical Analysis.


Introducing to you, the  King Khalid University (KKU), which includes nearly 50 college spread in 13 provinces in Asir region, and in it are more than 7,000 working faculty members and employees. The university provides services for more than 72,000 students.

King Khalid University is looking forward for the continues development and improvement of educational processes and the curricula. It has contacted a number of international agencies, and has held a large number of seminars and conferences that will support the development and improvement of curricula as well as educational and research operations. As a result, the university has achieved advanced leaps in respect of scientific research at the local and global levels, all thanks to Allah.

The institution includes a large number of research and scientific centers which work to bring out a lot of relevant researches in all the disciplines of the university, whether health, scientific, humanitarian or educational. The university seeks to achieve the third main goal - which is serving the community).  For that, it has made many community partnerships with different sectors. The most pioneer example is holding the community partnership forum recently. In the forum, the university has cooperated with a number of governmental agencies and various private institutions. This comes to prove that the university is an integral part of the society, and the society is an integral part of the university. Praise be to Allah, the university has received in this year, the highest historic budget since its inception. This generous budget is credited to God Almighty, and then to this great country, led by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, and the Crown Prince, His royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Naif bin Abdul Aziz,  the Deputy Crown Prince, His royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz, as well as to the continuous support of His Excellency the Governor of Asir region, Prince Faisal Bin Khalid bin Abdul Aziz.


Name: Abdulrahman Hamad Aldawood

Degree: PhD (professor rank)

Specialization: Educational Administration

To view the C.V. (click here)





Name: Abdullah bin Muhammad Al Rashed

Degree: PhD (professor rank)

Specialization : Mathematical Analysis ( Complex , Functional ) and Measure Theory.

To view the C.V. (click here)