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Medicine College , King Khalid University discuss developments in plastic surgery
Ajami : We seek to share experiences with the McGill Canadian
Medicine College , King Khalid University discuss developments in plastic surgery
Medicine College at King Khalid University arranged a seminar entitled " developments in plastic surgery ," presented by member of the teaching staff , Dr. Hassan Bin Hussein Al -Ajmi in which he talked about surgery operations " cranial " noting it was one of the distinguished subspecialty in cosmetic surgery and reconstruction of the skull , face and jaws and has witnessed tremendous developments during the past decade.
Dr. Ajami also emphasis on the origins of the cranial surgery that depend on the experience of the surgeons in correcting severe injuries during the First World War , and it has become in the present unique and desirable globally , and using the latest techniques in cosmetic surgery and surgery correct changes and congenital malformations .
Dr. Al-Ajmi explained Medicine College at King Khalid University is seeking, in cooperation with area hospitals, to create a therapeutic integrated surgery cranial unit and medical collaborator team including all relevant medical specialties , because the existence of such a unit at King Khalid University puts it in front of the Arab world and the Middle East universities.
That unit will , God willing, in cooperation with the University , " McGill " Canadian in order to exchange experiences and enrich clinical and research cooperation in this field for the benefit of patients .