King Khalid University
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Important Announcement Regarding Scholarship Requests for Non-Saudis at the University

Important Announcement Regarding Scholarship Requests for Non-Saudis at the University

scholarship Department at Admission and Registration Deanship announces the arrival of scholarship acceptance for Non-Saudi Students( male-female) who have already applied for the university during the last period. They can inquire via the following link https://shamel.kku.edu.sa/Services/ScholarshipInquires/Default.aspx or the phone No. 0172417955 starting from 9.00 o’clock A.M. till 11.00 P.M. during the period 1 to 10/3/1435AH. It is a must to be restricted to determined time and to call to know procedures and needed documents for those students who are definitely approved, so they can be in available specialties .