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King Abdul Aziz City is honoring researcher Al Seheimi from King Khalid University

After getting the 1st position in Supportive Projects, King Abdul Aziz is honouring researcher

Al Seheimi from King Khalid University.

His Royal Highness Prince Turki Bin Saud Bin Mohammed Al Saud, the Vice President of King Abdul Aziz City for Sciences and Technology, the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee for the National Plan for sciences, technology and innovation honoured Prof. Dr. Abdullah Al Seheimi, the Director of Advanced Materials Distinctive Research Center at King Khalid University during the 16th meeting of the Supervisory Committee for the National Plan for sciences, technology and innovation which was held recently at King Abdul Aziz City for Sciences and Technology, Riyadh.

Dr. Al Seheimi gave a speech summarizing his research project which is titled" Dyes Stimulus for combinations of ultrafine titanium dioxide for solar cells: towards increasing the efficiency of converting the sun energy into electricity". The presentation included an explanation of ​​the project idea and its importance to the Kingdom and highlighted the results and their impact on the future of science and technology in the Kingdom.

The project won the 1st position in the supportive projects from the City within the National Plan for sciences, Technology and innovations. It’s worth mentioning that Prof. Dr. Abdullah Al Seheimi is one of the distinctive scientific competencies at King Khalid University and got many excellence awards in research and technology field besides recording a number of patents