King Khalid University


The Fourth Meeting of Universities with the Ministry of Education Designed to Bring Higher Education to the Next Level

King Khalid University - Media Center

Several of the university's college deans and senior administrators met with His Excellency, Minister of Education Dr. Hamad Al-Sheikh, along with other university leaders at Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University in Riyadh. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss strategies for university development and efficiency improvements in light of the national goals set forth in Vision 2030.

Vice Rector pro tem for Business and Knowledge Economy, Prof. Abdulatif Al-Hadathi, thanked His Excellency, the Minister of Education for sponsoring the meeting. Prof. Al-Hadathi noted that all of the nation's universities benefit from these regular strategy meetings with the Minister and his senior staff. Better educational outcomes, improved services and greater efficiency are attributable in part to these important strategic sessions. "These efforts are vital to the implementation of Vision 2030," he said.

Vice Rector of Educational and Academic Affairs, Prof. Saad Du'ajim, stated that the Saudi universities are all working together with the Ministry of Education to improve academic programs, increase the depth and scope of academic research, and enhance economic efficiency in higher education throughout the Kingdom. He further noted that these leadership initiatives assure technological innovation and economic development in every sector; and that educational improvements will provide a larger and more vibrant labor market.

King Khalid University General Supervisor of Vision 2030, Dr. Ali Al-Amir, explained that the workshops presented reviewed opportunities for improvement to support vision programs in various sectors. He also noted that the workshops included discussions of ways to implement advanced programs. Dr. Al-Amir praised the Ministry of Education's efforts to involve universities in the workshops because of the primary role of education in achieving the goals and objectives of Vision 2030.