King Khalid University


University Establishes Student Training Unit With the Educational Affairs Agency

King Khalid University - Media Center

King Khalid University Rector, His Excellency Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, recently approved a new administrative unit with the Educational Affairs Agency. The new unit is called the 'Student Training Unit'. Its purpose is to design and coordinate implementation of training programs in collaboration with other universities and various relevant private/government agencies.

This initiative is in support of the underlying objectives of Vision 2030 to transform the national economy into an industrial and technological world leader. Advanced education is a critical element of achieving these national objectives. The Kingdom needs a highly skilled and well educated populous to support a larger and more diverse economy. The unit will also concentrate on bridging the gap between educational outcomes and current requirements of the labor market. The primary means for this task will be cooperative programs with educational institutions and industrial concerns both at home and abroad.

Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, Prof. Saad Du'ajim, stated that he is committed to ensuring that the Student Training Unit's activities are in accord with and fully support the strategic mission of the Ministry of Education and Vision 2030. He further noted that the unit focuses on putting educational theories into practice and ensuring that scientific research yields tangible results that benefit society. The unit's operations will include many: National, international, cultural, scientific and industrial aspects of modern societies to advance development in the Kingdom and in other countries.