King Khalid University


University Students Continue to Dig Into the Archeological Excavation Season at Jarash

King Khalid University - Media Center

King Khalid University's archeology digging team participated in the 12th season of archeological excavation at the Jarash Archaeologic Site, which has recently been finalized. The participation of the student excavation team is part of the memorandum of collaboration between King Khalid University and the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage (SCTH). The collaboration was formed to bolster King Khalid University's goal of supporting national tourism and the protection of historical sites.

Vice Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Saad Al-Amri, had previously visited the site and observed the work, which was under the supervision of the team's leader Abdulaziz Al-Yahya. Student Excavation Team Supervisor, Dr. Ali bin Abdullah Al-Marzoqi, stressed that the university is keen to take part in the fieldwork with the SCTH team to explore the methods of excavation and exploration.

Of noteworthy mention, Jarash is amongst the country's most important archaeological sites and one of the most important in the history of the Arabian Peninsula. It served as a trade path that connected the northern and southern parts of the Arabian Peninsula. Jarash features a fortress, a mosque, and 3000-year-old relics designed and decorated with lion and bull patterns that symbolize strength. The location also boasts a center that allows visitors to learn about the location and what it represented. Plans are in place to transfer relics to the Asir Archaeological Museum.