King Khalid University


King Khalid University and National Center for Documents and Archives Collaborate

King Khalid University - Media Center

Under the patronage of King Khalid University Rector Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, King Khalid University's Center for Documentation and Archives has organized a workshop to spread the culture of documentation among those interested in the field. The meeting will be held in cooperation with the National Center for Documents and Archives at the main campus. The workshop will host National Center for Documents and Archives Director, Dr. Abdulmohsen Al-Haddab, and Relaying and Receiving Documents Department Director, Ibrahim Al-Sheddi.

King Khalid University Center for Documentation and Archives Supervisor, Salem Al-Khalidi, explained that the workshop highlights one of the main aspects of the university's work and production. He thanked His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy for his encouragement and support. It's worth noting that the workshop will also be available via live stream at the Science College Theater at the King Abdullah Road Campus.