King Khalid University


Strategic Planning Administration Delivers 32 Training Courses

King Khalid University - Media Center

King Khalid University's Strategic Planning Administration diligently executed activities during the 2018-19 academic year related to the 2020 Strategic Plan. Through consultative oversight and technical advisory, trainees received the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to meet objectives. The University Agency for Projects, the College of Education, the Faculty of Engineering, the College of Business, and the Faculty of Science and Arts in Khamis Mushait were the main beneficiaries this academic year.

Supervisor of the Strategic Planning Administration, Dr. Fakieh Alrabai, explained that these workshops are designed to support the executive entities responsible for the 2020 strategic planning execution, which was developed in 2018. So far, it has successfully delivered 16 workshops tailored executive teams and unit leaders encompassing 18 colleges and nearly 500 trainees that involved balanced scorecards, strategic planning, and quality development. Furthermore, the administration widened its focus and outreach to include the local community as part of its community services objectives.

Dr. Alrabai added that the program has focused on workshops involving the concepts and principles of strategic planning. He noted that introducing the newly developed university strategic plan for the purpose of raising the awareness of new concepts and development in the field of strategic planning is a high priority. All the while, he related, university employees will be afforded the opportunity to learn the skills needed to engage in strategic analysis and the execution of new initiatives and projects. He noted that the overarching aims of the program are in accord with the King Khalid University Strategic Plan and the initiatives as set forth in Vision 2030, the Ministry of Education's 'Afaq' Strategic Plan, and the standards of international classification.

Of note, the administration plans to hold additional courses and workshops that will cover topics related to strategic planning, the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), applying strategic leadership, building an executive operations team, professional performance indicators, the role of strategic planning in international classification, strategic report writing, reputation management in educational institutions, and project management.