King Khalid University


University Holds 9th Annual Council Meeting: Recommends a Variety of New Academic Programs

King Khalid University - Media Center

King Khalid University Rector, His Excellency Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, chaired the university's Ninth Council Meeting. In addition to the regular members (Vice Rectors and Deans), the Secretary-General (Interim) for the Committee of Higher Education, Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Al-Saleh, attended. His Excellency began the meeting by thanking Allah for his blessings and praising the Prophet; peace be upon him. Vice Rector of Graduate Studies, Prof. Saad Al-Amri, reviewed the meeting agenda. The topics discussed included:

  • The university final financial account;
  • Establishment of the infrastructure for Academic Guidance;
  • Approval of attendance rules and regulations;
  • Faculty participation in the scientific meetings;
  • Rules and regulation for scientific communications;
  • Executive rules regarding promotions;
  • Rules for faculty member publication;
  • Consideration of applications for promotions to the rank of assistant professor;
  • Consideration of new diploma, undergraduate and graduate curricula in the university system.

The Council also recommended the approval of a number of new programs including: PhD in Business Administration, Master of Public Health, Executive Master of Applied Computing, Master of Science in Data Science in Information Systems, Master of Educational Policies, Diploma in Cyber ​​Security, Diploma in Prevention of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Marketing Diploma, and Diploma of Web and Mobile Applications Development.