King Khalid University


University Rector Issues a Number of Decisions and Appointments

King Khalid University - Media Center

King Khalid University Rector, His Excellency Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, issued a number of appointments and extensions as follows:

  • Appointment: Dr. Abdulrahman Abdullah Al-Mousa, Vice Dean of Academic Development and Quality, Faculty of Languages and Translation;
  • Appointment: Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Al-Khaira Asiri, Vice Dean of Academic Development and Quality, Faculty of Science and Arts at Muhayil;
  • Appointment: Dr. Ali Abdullah Marzouk, Vice Dean, Khamis Mushait Community College;
  • Appointment: Dr. Khalid Said Abu Hakma, Vice Dean of Academic Development and Quality, Faculty of Human Sciences;
  • Appointment: Dr. Musa Mohammed Al-Ahmari, Director of the English Language Center;
  • Appointment: Dr. Noura Abdullah Al-Dale, Supervisor of the Center for the Study of Female Students at Mahala;
  • Appointment: Dr. Siham Mousa Al-Haider, Dean of the Faculty of Art and Science.
  • Extension: Dr. Abdulaziz Awad Al-Omari, Department Head, Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine;
  • Extension: Dr. Abdullah Abdul-Mohsen Al-Sabani Al-Shehri, Dean Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences at Khamis Mushait;
  • Extension: Dr. Abdulrahman Yahya Al-Qarafi, Vice Dean, Deanship of Staff Members, Human Resources;
  • Extension: Dr. Ali Jaber Al-Aliani, Vice Dean, Deanship of Faculty Members and Staff;
  • Extension: Dr. Fouad Idris Abaq, Medical City Executive Director;
  • Extension: Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Asiri, Vice Dean, Deanship of Student Affairs, Sports Activities;
  • Extension: Dr. Mofleh bin Zaben Al-Qahtani, General Supervisor of the Media Center;
  • Extension: Dr. Nasser Mohammed Al-Qahtani, Department Head, Diagnostic Sciences and Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry;
  • Extension: Dr. Saeed Mohammed Al-Muayadh, Director of the University Center for Evaluation and Assessment.

Congratulations to all of our colleagues who have achieved extensions or new appointments. His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy wished those granted extensions continued success in their endeavors. He also explained that we are looking forward to benefitting from the talents and efforts of the new appointees.