King Khalid University


King Khalid University Sponsors Faculty Retirement Ceremony

King Khalid University - Media Center

King Khalid University Rector, His Excellency Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, led the ceremony for those faculty members retiring this academic year. The Internal Communication Administration and the Deanship of Employee Affairs organized the event held at the Green Mountain in Abha. The university routinely honors its retirees as a gesture of gratitude for their service to King Khalid University and the Kingdom.

In his opening remarks, the Rector explained that retirees are a unique and valued group. They are still considered members of the university community even though their employment has ended. The Rector thanked the organizers and all of the participants and guests. He then congratulated the retirees and thanked them for their many years of dedicated service.

Vice Dean of Faculty and Staff Affairs, Dr. Ali Al-Olayan, thanked His Excellency, the Rector, who has consistently supported all faculty members and staff. Prof. Qassim bin Ahmed Al-Almai gave a speech on behalf of the retiring faculty. He thanked the Rector for the retirement celebration. He further noted that all retirees cherished their years at King Khalid University and will always look upon their careers with great fondness.

The Internal Communication Administration and the Deanship of Employee Affairs organized a parallel retirement event for the female campus retirees. University Vice Rector, Dr. Khuloud Abu Melha, led the event at the Community Service and Continuing Education Theater at the Al-Lasan Campus. Vice Dean of Faculty and Staff Affairs, Dr. Shanifah Al-Qarni, described the event as a token gesture of gratitude for the efforts of retiring members. She thanked the university Rectors and Vice Rectors for their support.

The ceremony included a video presentation titled 'A Giving Nation'; followed by a speech by Dr. Salha Al-Sharian, during which she thanked the retirees. She noted that the retirees represent a long and storied history of service to the university.

At the end of the ceremony, the Vice Rector honored the retirees and thanked them for their efforts.