King Khalid University


University Applied Medicine Holds MRI Developments Symposium

King Khalid University - Media Center

The university recently hosted a symposium titled 'MRI Technologies: Innovations and Future Direction' at Asir Hospital. The Radiology Department of the College of Applied Medicine in Abha in conjunction with the Radiology Administration in Asir Health Authority organized the event. The purpose of the event was to introduce medical students and public health sector employees to the latest developments in magnetic resonance and neuroscience. The symposium lecturers were York Medical Equipment Company President and the Chief Technology Officer at Croton Medical UK, Professor Gary Qureen.

The first session, titled 'A New Perspective on Body Chemistry Using Magnetic Resonance' and led by the York Co. representative, reviewed the ways in which Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) can diagnose many diseases. 'In just a few years, the diagnostic utility of MRI has expanded greatly. This is due to improving technology and the increasing availability of MRI equipment', said the representative.

In the second session Professor Qureen, discussed the newest methods of using (FMRI) and MEG and EEG devices for brain scans. He also touched upon recent developments in the use of artificial intelligence to enhance imaging and better understand brain activities.

The Department Head of Radiology at the Faculty of Applied Medicine in Abha, Dr. Maqbool Al-Olayan, said that the university is committed to hosting seminars and the like to make sure our students and faculty are kept up to date on the latest medical technology and techniques. Dr. Al-Olayan then presented Dr. Qureen and Asir Hospital representative, Eng. Al Hussein bin Zain Al-Abidin with plaques commemorating the event.