King Khalid University


The College of Education Holds the Ninth GSM Association Meeting

King Khalid University - Media Center

The Saudi Scientific Teacher Association 'GSM' in collaboration with the Asir Training and Scholarship General Administration held the ninth meeting for the ETHRA program. The meeting was held in the presence of the General Director of the GSM Association and the Dean of the College of Education, Dr. Abdullah Al-Kasi, and 122 teachers and supervisors in the public education sector.

At the beginning of the meeting, Director Al-Kasi welcomed the attendees in his speech, explaining that the purpose of this meeting is to achieve a positive impact in the teacher's charter and to develop and enhance quality outcomes.

The meeting was presented by Professor of Teaching Methods, Dr. Mohammad Hassan Al-Safran. Prof. Al-Safran, who was also the former College of Education Dean, discussed the methods that can be replicated when teaching is scaled to student character and potential.