King Khalid University


Deanship of Graduate Studies Holds Admission Workshop

King Khalid University - Media Center

The Deanship of Graduate Studies recently organized an online admission workshop to explain the processes and conditions to the science colleges and departments. Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Ahmed Al-Fayea, stressed the importance of consistent communication between the colleges and deanships. He also emphasized the latest admission developments and services provided by the deanship. He noted the importance of strengthening the relationship between the deanship and colleges offering graduate programs to reach an agreement on the process, conditions, and regulations of admission.

Later, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs at the Deanship of Graduate Studies, Dr. Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, explained the admission process in a visual presentation. The workshop was attended by college vice deans and the heads of executive committees and departments.

It is worth mentioning that the deanship has recently completed the admission process to 49 postgraduate programs and will soon announce examination dates for final acceptance.