King Khalid University


King Khalid University Holds Workshop to Develop "Mubadaroon" Project

King Khalid University - General Administration of Institutional Communication

King Khalid University, represented by the University Agency for Business and Community Partnership, organized a development workshop for the "Mubadaroon" project. The workshop was launched by the university's Vice President for Business and Community Partnership, Prof. Abdullatif bin Ibrahim Al-Hudaithi, on behalf of the Acting President, and in the presence of a number of deans, heads of departments, and representatives of the community; at the Business Center in the university city in Al-Fara'a.

The workshop comes in line with the university's sense of duty to give back to the community and its belief in its great role towards society, and in fulfillment of the ambitious vision of utilizing leisure time in awareness-raising and development activities in various fields, after the clear impact that the project has had recently.

The workshop included an intervention by His Excellency Prof. Faleh bin Rajaallah Al-Solami, in which he reviewed the origin of the "Mubadaroon'' project, its previous stages, and its role in developing community partnership. As well as providing training and scientific consultations for students, implementing programs that serve the community and developing university employees' skills. Pointing to the great importance and impact of the annual health and cultural program implemented by the university over the past years.

For his part, Prof. Abdullatif bin Ibrahim Al-Hudaithi welcomed the attendees, noting that the workshop aims to develop the "Mubadaroon" project through effective communication between the community and the university, providing educational programs, and enlightening the community about the university's role.

Al-Hudaithi added that the numbers and statistics highlight what the "Mubadaroon" project has achieved in its past four years, with 283 initiatives, 1482 participants, and 336,892 beneficiaries.