King Khalid University


KKU Places Second in the Job Data Quality Index of 2023

King Khalid University - General Administration of Institutional Communication

King Khalid University, represented by the General Administration of Human Resources, placed second on the level of Saudi universities in the Job Data Quality Index of 2023. The placement was announced in a recent report from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, in cooperation with the National Center for Public Agencies Performance Measurement “Adaa”.

The General Director of the General Administration for Human Resources at the university, Mr. Mohammad bin Shaie Al-Nahari explained that the university excelled with a great level of maturity in job data amongst 29 government universities, where it earned 386.06 points out of 400.

Al-Nahari explained that the Index measures the quality of government employees’ data by calculating the percentage of digital connection to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, providing job data, commitment to updating archival and current employee data, documenting human resources processes related to job groups, and reviewing and approving the budget related to job cadres.

The Job Data Quality Index aims to improve government agencies’ performance and effectiveness, enrich business efficiency, develop the quality of Job data in government agencies, and raise business efficiency in the services of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development provided to government agencies. As well as Complying with quality job data measurement requirements, and supporting decision-making by providing new dimensions of data from government and semi-government agencies.

It is noteworthy that the university also placed second on the level of Saudi universities in the Job Data Quality Index 2022, maintaining the same placement during 2023.