King Khalid University


The University's Data Center Receives Two Certificates in Quality Performance

King Khalid University - General Administration of Institutional Communication

King Khalid University, represented by the Deanship of Electronic Services, achieved the TIER III FACILITY certificate and the TIER III Design certificate for its data center in the university city of Al-Fara'a from the American Uptime Institute. This recognition follows comprehensive audits evaluating the center's operational efficiency, infrastructure, and the proposed ideas for best practices and innovative solutions.

The assessments covered various aspects, including infrastructure, technical design, hardware and software utilization, power and cooling systems, networks, availability, backup, and system performance. These evaluations ensure compliance with the required global standards.

Dr. Hamed bin Saleh Al-Qahtani, Dean of the Deanship of Electronic Services at King Khalid University, highlighted the significance of these certificates in affirming the university's commitment to continuous improvement and the delivery of high-quality services. He emphasized that these certifications, being the highest in global standards, validate the university's dedication to providing advanced and reliable technological infrastructure. This achievement enhances the university's reputation and underscores its commitment to delivering top-notch services to users, researchers, and the broader society.

It’s worth noting, Uptime Institute, as a leading global body for data center evaluation, certifies that the centers meet the standards and requirements outlined by the best international practices for data center design.