King Khalid University


KKU Business Center Places Second as the Best Public Sector Work Environment in the Gulf Region

King Khalid University – General Administration of Institutional Communication

King Khalid University's Business Center recently received a certificate from the international agency for work environment culture (Great Place to Work). The center placed second on the level of public sector work environments in the gulf region for 2023, through various indicators of work environment culture, like trust, cooperation, fairness, equity, talent support, and career satisfaction. The annual ceremony was held at the Intercontinental Hotel in Riyadh.

On this occasion, the Vice-President for business and social partnership at the university, Prof. Abdulatef bin Ibrahim Al-Hodethi, thanked university employees for this achievement. He sent his best regard to the President of King Khalid University, Prof. Faleh bin Rajaallah Al-Solami, who spared no expense in support of university objectives.

Al-Hodethi stated, "This award is a great incentive for us at the business center to keep working hard to achieve greater success in business and incubating entrepreneurial ventures".

(Great Place to Work) is one of the leading international committees in the field of work environment evaluation, both public and private, and according to a unified international methodology implemented across more than 60 countries all over the world.

This award aims to highlight the best work environments that are able to attracts, develop, and sustain talents and human capabilities, through the committee's analysis and evaluation, which is based on staff questionnaires and other indicators including trust, communication, benefits, cooperation, and others.

It is worth noting that the business center at King Khalid University is one of the most prominent landmarks of the University City in Al-Fara'a and was established as a channel of communication between the university and various sectors of business. The center raises awareness about innovative and commercial ventures, incubating and developing innovative projects, providing support and necessary partnerships, and creating an attractive environment to develop and sustain our national economy.