King Khalid University


KKU Signs MOU with the Organization for the Conservation of Coral Reefs and Turtles in the Red Sea

King Khalid University - General Administration of Institutional Communication

His Excellency, University President, Prof. Faleh bin Rajaallah Al-Solami, welcomed the CEO of The General Organization for the Conservation of Coral Reefs and Turtles in the Red Sea, Dr. Khalid bin Mohammad Al-Asfhani, at his Al-Fara'a University City office, accompanied by Chief Conservation and Strategy Executive, Abdulaziz Al-Soelm.

The university signed a MOU with the organization for improved cooperation, unified projects and initiatives, and to implement their mutual expertise and capabilities in education and e-training.

Al-Solami Signed the MOU on behalf of King Khalid University, while CEO Khalid bin Mohammad Al-Asfhani signed it on behalf of the organization.

MOU terms included,

  • Training programs, (long and short term) specialized in areas necessary to both parties.
  • Support of graduate students' projects and implementation in the job market.
  • Support of PHD and MA students in the organization's research.
  • Training opportunities at the organization for Bachelor's students.
  • Offering solutions and suggestions on environmental issues in coral reefs and turtles preservation, especially in the southern region of the Red Sea.
  • Sustainable use of coral and turtles' resources in coastal environmental tourism.
  • Environmental AI technology development.
  • Specialized studies and consultations in environmental investment and economic analysis.
  • Organizing events to spread positive awareness on environmentalist preservation.
  • Launching students' volunteering in events and activities.
  • Holding conferences, seminars, and specialized workshops.

The Vice-President for Graduate Studies and Research, Prof. Hamid bin Majdou Al-Qarni affirmed the university's stance in building partnerships of mutual and public interest, its desire to broaden use of shared resources, and expertise investment and exchange in leading practices.