King Khalid University


University Council Holds Second Meeting for the Year 1445AH

King Khalid University - General Administration of Institutional Communication

His Excellency, Prof. Faleh bin Rajaallah Al-Solami, chaired the second University Council meeting for the year 1445 AH, Tuesday morning, on behalf of His Excellency, the Minister of Education. Secretary-General of the Council for Universities Affairs, Prof. Dr. Bassam bin Abdullah Al-Bassam attended the meeting alongside members of the University Council.

Vice President of Graduate Studies and Research -Secretary of University Council- Prof. Hamid bin Majdou Al-Qarni, explained that the council reviewed the meeting agenda and concluded some decisions; which include approvals, extensions, and terminations of scholarships, appointment of Teaching assistants and lecturers, and granting graduate students their MA and PHD. The council also approved appointments and transferals for members of the teaching faculty.

The council agreed to extend the duration of graduate programs: "Higher Diploma, Master's, and PHD", by no more than half of the decided period. They also approved the recommendations of the review committee at the seventh and eighth meeting, and the recommendations of the Investment committee at the fourth meeting, for the fiscal year of 2023.

The university council approved Dr. Abdullah bin AbdulMohsen Al-Sabani to join the Council of the College of Nursing in Khamis Mushait. Dr. Ali bin Mohammad Al-Qahtani and Dr, Mohammad bin Saad Abod were also approved to join the Council of the College of Science and Arts in Southern Dhahran.

The council also approved the appointment of a financial supervisor for alternative revenue and the student fund, and agreed to amend some executive rules and regulations.