King Khalid University


University Offers CEPT English Language Proficiency Test for Newcomers

King Khalid University - General Administration of Institutional Communication

King Khalid University represented by the College of Language and Translation called on high school graduates joining the university for the academic year 1445AH to review the English Language Proficiency CEPT test mechanisms, which will be available from the 20th of Muharram 1444AH and until the 28th of the preceding month.

The director of the English Language Centre at King Khalid University, Dr. Suad Alqhtani, explained that the CEPT English Language will be available for the university newcomers for the academic year 1445AH. She added that the test will help accelerate the process of English language learning for students according to their language proficiency level.

Dr. Al-Qahtani added that the test also aims to determine the levels of students' linguistic proficiency in English according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). She noted that the test is booked electronically after receiving the university ID number, and all details can be viewed (here).