King Khalid University


KKU Organizes the "University 1st Family Forum " and Honors Scholarship Returnees & Retirees

King Khalid University - General Administration of Institutional Communication

On Tuesday, the 7th of February, His Excellency the King Khalid University President, Prof. Faleh bin Rajallah Al-Solami, attended the activities of the first entertainment community forum for university employees and their families, "University Family Forum 1", in addition to a ceremony honoring the scholarship returnees and retirees. The ceremony was organized by the Vice Agency of the University represented by the Deanship of Human Resources and was held in the honorary area at the university city in Al-Qara’a.

Al-Solami, praised the efforts and products he witnessed as he explored the event's areas, which included the sports area, the "Made With My Hands" cuisine area, the handicrafts area, and the cinema area.

During the speech ceremony held on this occasion, His Excellency the University President confirmed that the gathering represents an important aspect of the institution’s roles in consolidating the relation between the university and its employees. He also thanked the retirees for their fruitful and constructive efforts over the years, welcoming the returnees from scholarships, and wishing them success in serving their university and their country.

Al-Solami stressed the need to redouble the efforts to achieve King Khalid University's ambition strategy, which is a part of the nation's aspirations and a reflection of the goals of the Kingdom's Vision 2030, stressing the importance of working to serve the university's students, and contribute to achieving development for the region and the country as a whole in light of the capabilities that the university enjoys.

On his part, Prof. Muhammad bin Hamed Al-Buhairi, the University Vice President, explained in his speech that the first university family forum's activities were diverse and aimed to create an ideal workplace environment, which raises the level of performance and production in addition to strengthening the ties of social cohesion between university employees on the one hand, and the participated families in the event's activities on the other hand.

It is worth noting that the event included a tour for the university's employees and their families to explore the facilities of the university city in Al-Qara'a, in addition to various presented programs.