King Khalid University


University President Attends the 8th Cultural Olympiad Closing Ceremony

King Khalid University - General Administration of Institutional Communication

On Wednesday, the 25th of January, His Excellency King Khalid University
President, Prof. Faleh bin Rajaallah Al-Solami, attended the closing ceremony for the
"8th Cultural Olympiad", which was organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs at
the University auditorium in Al-Qaraa. The ceremony witnessed the presence of
university employees and students.

In his speech, Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Ali Misfer Al-Qahatni, explained that the
8th Cultural Olympiad for university students was held over a 3 day period, and
included the participation of more than 1083 students.
Al-Qahtani, added that activities such as theses, enhance students' social and
cognitive skills, and provide practical and competitive experiences, in addition to
promoting a culture of cooperative spirit, leadership and teamwork among students.
He also affirmed that these activities "constitute one of the main pillars in the course
of the educational process".

It’s worth noting, that the 8th Cultural Olympiad included 37 categories most
prominent of which are : the Holy Quran most dulcet recitation, Sunnah & the
biography of the Prophet Mohammad” peace be upon him, short stories, Arabic
calligraphy, fine art, fine photography, and the “Interpretation “ competition. At the
end of the ceremony his Excellency the university president honored the Olympiad

The Olympiad Result Summary:
In first place the College of Medicine surpassed all other colleges by scoring 2550
points and receiving the Olympiad flag. Following in second place is College of
Sharia and Fundamentals of Religion with a total of 2200 points, and in third place is
the College of Humanities with 900 points. On the other hand, in the female students' section, the College of Science and Arts in Khamis Mushait achieved first place and attained the Olympiad flag, the College of Sharia & Fundamentals of Religion won second place, and the College of Science achieved third place.