King Khalid University


University President Discusses Means to Enhance Cooperation with Asir Departments Directors

King Khalid University - General Administration of Institutional Communication

On Sunday morning, the 22 nd of January, His Excellency King Khalid University
President, Prof. Faleh bin Rajaallah Al-Solami, met with the Director General of the
Institute of Public Administration branch in Asir Region, Saad bin Aboud Al-Qahtani.

The meeting, which witnessed the presence of the Vice President of the University,
Prof. Muhammad Al-Buhairi, focused on the topics of training and partnerships, and
discussed the university's participation in providing training services for the institute.
In addition, the meeting also examined methods to enhancing cooperation in the fields
of consultations, research, and studies, as well as sharing experiences and knowledge
between the two parties.

In a similar vein, His Excellency also received, in the presence of the Vice President
for Business and Knowledge Economy, Prof. Abdullatif Al-Hadithi, the Director
General of the Mistry of Commerce branch in Asir, Anwar bin Muhammad Al-
Shamrani. During the meeting, they discussed means to enhance cooperation and
exchange experiences.

His Excellency also recently, visited the Public Prosecution in Asir and met with His
Eminence the President of the Public Prosecution in the region, Sheikh Fahd bin
Muhammad Al-Ghuwairi, and during the visit, they discussed ways to improve
cooperation between the two bodies, in order to achieve common goals and enhance
their roles.

It's worth noting, that these meetings, which are in line with His Highness the
Governor of Asir Region's orientation, come to strengthen horizontal coordination
among authorities in the region, to raise the quality of performance, and to achieve