King Khalid University


University Holds the 16th Scient Research Day For Dental Students

King Khalid University- Institutional communication center

King Khalid University, represented by the College of Dentistry, held the 16th scientific research day ceremony for interns, at the University City Theater in Al-Qura’a, in the presence of His Excellency the University President, Prof. Faleh bin Raja’ Allah Al-Solami.

Al-Solami, toured the accompanying exhibition, and was briefed on the research submitted by the students of the Faculty of Dentistry. His Excellency listened to a detailed explanation from the participating students about their research and its purpose, praising the research group participating in the exhibition.

On his part, the Dean of the College of Dentistry, Prof. Dr. Muhammad bin Ali Al-Qarni, explained that during the event, 26 papers were presented by male and female students covering various fields of dentistry.

At the end of the ceremony, His Excellency the President of the University honoured Dr. Faisal Al-Hayed, who received the University’s Excellence Award in the field of innovation. He also honoured Dr. Dima Al-Harthy, who received an award jointly with the International Society for Dental Research in the Middle East, and Dr. Manal Al-Qahtani, who won the excellence award for best doctor for the year 2022, in addition to honouring the participating students.