King Khalid University


University Concludes the “Implementation of the Moderation Approach & Promoting Intellectual Security" Program

King Khalid University - General Administration of Institutional Communication

King Khalid University represented by its Intellectual Awareness Unit and King Abdulaziz University represented by His Royal Highness Prince Khalid Al Faisal ’s Institute for Moderation concluded the “implementation of the Moderation Approach & Promoting Intellectual Security" Program which was held over a four day period.

In the closing ceremony His Excellency King Khalid University President Prof. Falleh bin Rajallah AL Somlami, honored the program instructors and participants and commended the program’s success and the important topics it covered.

On his part the Supervisor of the Intellectual Awareness Unit, Dr. Abdulrhman Al Mosa explained that the program offered 7 training courses in a variety of topics and area’s delivered by specialist and experts from the field. He added that 60 university employees benefited from the program.

It is worth noting, that the program included a number of topics most prominent of which, were intellectual security, intellectual discourse and its significance, new media and its role in achieving loyalty and belonging, the psychology of extremism and the methods to dealing with it, the sociological dimensions of extremism and the approaches to dealing with it, political dimensions and the manufacture of extremism and the approaches to dealing with it.