King Khalid University


KKU’s World Arabic Language Day

King Khalid University - Media Center

On the occasion of World Arabic language Day, King Khalid University organizes a
series of various programs, held under this year's slogan "The Contribution of the
Arabic Language to Human Civilization and Culture".

In a symposium under the patronage of his Excellency King Khalid University
President, the programs are to be carried out in agenda organized by the College of
Humanities in partnership with the King Salman International Complex for Arabic
Language. The symposium will include the participation of experts from King Khalid
University, King Abdulaziz University, and Princess Noura University. Moreover, the
Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers Unit, the Translation Unit in the Faculty of
Languages ​​and Translation, and a number of units in the university will also carry out
competitions, poetic slams, meetings, and scientific seminars with the participation of
university students.

It is worth noting that the university launched a student competition in four fields,
including scientific research, poetry, elocution, and design.