King Khalid University


University President: The Launch of the "Research and Innovation Partnerships" Initiative Achieves Economic Knowledge

King Khalid University - Media Center

His Excellency the President of King Khalid University, Prof. Faleh bin Raja
Allah Al-Salami, shed light on the contents of the Sustainable Partnerships
Conference, which was launched yesterday, Wednesday, in Riyadh. The conference
was organized by the Ministry of Education under the slogan "Research and
Innovation towards a Prosperous Economy", which included, exhibitions,
partnerships, workshops, and practical steps that aim at strengthening the knowledge
economy as well as creating sustainable partnerships between universities and other

Al-Solami stressed that the announcement of His Excellency the Minister of
Education to launch the “Research and Innovation Partnerships” initiative as a
national initiative aims to connect universities and the private and national sectors
through financing research that provide solutions to development and industrial
challenges supported by the Human Capacity Development Program. Furthermore,
the active local and international presence of multiple participating ministries and
agencies from the public and private sectors. The presence of 150 stakeholders, local
and international leaders, the signing of about 60 agreements, and the presentation of
220 inventions embodied the importance of achieving integration between entities that
produce knowledge alongside industrial and development sectors.

Al-Solami added that the conference’s focus on strengthening ties between
universities as a source of knowledge & development, and the industrial &
development sectors would contribute to achieving the Kingdom’s Vision 2030
through the thriving economy and the embodiment of the active role of universities in
this regard.

On the participation of King Khalid University in the conference and the
accompanying exhibition, Al-Solami explained that King Khalid University seeks to
expand its presence and role in the aspects the conference discussed, noting that the
university's wing at the exhibition of Promising Technologies and Innovations
witnessed the presentation of 8 research products in addition to 17 patents, as well as
the signing of industrial agreements and partnerships.

It is noteworthy that the Sustainable Partnerships Conference is being held at the Ritz-
Carlton Hotel in Riyadh and will continue for two days.