King Khalid University


In a Grand Achievement, University Ranks 36th in QS Arab Region University Ranking

King Khalid University - Media Center

King Khalid University continues its acceleration in international rankings across Arab
universities, where it leaped 7 points, ranking 36th according to the world's largest
international higher education network, Quacquarelli Symonds. The classification is based on
immense data, which includes scientific research, international research network, academic
reputation, employer reputation, as well as international student ratio & international faculty
ratio, and more.

The International Classification Unit director, Dr. Sami Al Shihri, received the international
classification certificate in the United Arab Emirates, for the university’s presence among the
top 100 Arab universities.

It stands to reason that the university pays great attention to both Arab and international
classifications, and seeks to achieve its ambitious vision by becoming amongst the top 200
international universities by the year 2030.