King Khalid University


University President Congratulates the Wise Leadership on the Anniversary of the 92nd National Day

King Khalid University - Media Center

His Excellency King Khalid University President prof. Falleh bin Rajallah Al Solami,
congratulated His Majesty the custodian of the two holy mosques King Salman bin
Abdulaziz and his Crown Prince, His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Salman
bin Abdulaziz, may Allah protect them, on the anniversary of the 92nd National Day of
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Al-Solami, explained that this precious anniversary comes upon us while our country
is basking in glory and adorned by comprehensive national development thanks to our
wise leadership and with the help of its sons and daughters. Moreover, His Excellency
stressed that our nation’s success and excellence in various fields is drawn from the
values and lessons of benevolence and leadership demonstrated in the journey of his
majesty King Abdulaziz - may Allah rests his soul in peace-, which are handed down
from generation to generation.

Al-Solami, explained that while we celebrate our National Day, we vaunt proudly our
country’s international standing. In addition, we reaffirm our determination in
achieving the ambitious vision 2030 and recognizing our great duty towards our
country and leadership, which in its regards has made every effort in providing all the
support to its people.

Al-Solami, commended the attention and care King Khalid University and the
education sector have received. He also stressed that the attention and support devoted
to the university promoted its escalation in holding advanced positions in international
classifications, and it achieving institutional and academic accreditation in many of its
programs. Further, he explained that as a result of the assistance and guidance devoted
to the university, the university has created ambitious plans aligned with Aseer
region’s development strategy and our national strategies, as well as its recent
transition to the new university city, which is considered a national achievement and
an evident approach to our country’s attention towards human development.

Al-Solami concluded his speech by asking Allah to protect our country and its
leadership, maintain security and safety, and grant the sons and daughters of
this country the will to carry out their national responsibilities and duties, which we
trust they are well-qualified to accomplish.