King Khalid University


University Carries Out a Series of Programs to Enhance the Quality of Research Done in the Arabic Language

king Khaled University- Media Center

King Khalid University carries out a series of program to enhance the quality of research and publications done in the Arabic Language in the field of humanities and social sciences in Saudi universities. The programs targets university communities and researchers.

The Dean of the college of Humanities and the representative of the project Prof. Yahya Al Shareef explained that the university carried out a variety of workshops, talks and meetings which align with the ministry of educations project to enhance publications in Arabic Language in the field of humanities and social sciences. The projects aims to motivate research and publications and highlight the obstacles that face researchers in the process. In addition the programs aims to measure the suitability of the training programs with researchers needs, as well and equipping researchers with effective tools to raise the quality of research performance in the Arabic language.

In the efforts of carry out the program goals , the university held a discussion panel to discuss proposing teaching research methods a proposal presented by Prof. Ahmed Sadiq, while on Prof. Mohammad Abu Melha proposed discussing research topics and research fields. The panel also included a paper president by Prof. Bushra Ismail entitled Proposing Scientific Arbitration Methodology in accordance with the requirements of global publication, the talk was moderated by the vice dean of the deanship of Scientific Research for Research Centers and Groups at the university, Dr. Muhammad bin Ali Asiri.

The university also held a forum for researchers entitled “International Scientific Publishing in Arabic… Reality and Hope,” in which Dr. Adel Motamad spoke and Dr. Ahmed Al Saqir moderated. The forum discussed several topics, including some ruling concepts, the reality of scientific publishing in human studies, and international publishing in the Arabic language.

The university also organized a third workshop for the project under the title "Suggested Standards for Modernizing Scientific Publishing Regulations in Accordance with International Publication Requirements", in the training hall at the University City Campus in Al-Quraiger.

The workshop included publishing standards in scientific journals (university journals as a model), in which the editor-in-chief of the university’s Journal of Human Sciences, Prof. Abdulaziz Al-Faqih, the editor-in-chief of the university’s Journal of Educational Sciences, Prof. Mufreh Al Kardam, and the member of the editorial board of the university’s Journal of Sharia Sciences and Islamic Studies, Dr. Muhammad Al-Qarni, participated in it.

The university also held a second research forum entitled "Applied Support and Supporting References to Achieving Research Efficiency", which dealt with the support provided to achieve the development of research performance in the fields of social and human sciences at the university, presented by Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Khasawneh.

The university also carried out a workshop entitled "The Appropriateness of Training and Motivation Programs in the Research Field", which dealt with a number of axes, including the extent of researchers' satisfaction with training and motivation programs and knowledge of challenges in scientific publishing, and the efficiency of training and motivation programs in the research field presented by Dr. Ahmed Ali Talb and Dr. Noura bint Yahya Al-Fifi, and moderated by Dr. Sultana Muhammad Al-Shahrani.

It is worth noting that the project will continue to provide its programs during the coming period.