King Khalid University


The President of the University Issues an Administrative Decision to Establish the "Intellectual Property and Patent Office"

King Khalid University media center

His Excellency the President of King Khalid University, Prof. Faleh bin Rajaa Al-Solami, issued an administrative decision to establish the “Intellectual Property and Patent Office” with the aim of encouraging a culture of innovation and invention, and spreading awareness of its importance. In addition the office aims to achieve a partnership with inventors and with industrial investors , locally and internationally.

The Dean of the Deanship of Scientific Research, Dr. Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Shahrani, explained that the office tends to deliver a number of task among which are to provide scientific, technical and legal advice on intellectual property in general and patents in particular, to invest in scientific research in patents, and to facilitate patent registration for university faculty members and other inventors. The office will also follow up

on the status of individual inventors’ and requests to donor bodies, as well as working to protect intellectual property rights at the university, and spreading the culture of "patents" by holding introductory lectures and workshops.

It is worth noting that the university has made clear progress during the last period in the number of published research, citations and patents, while preparing to open the central research laboratories during the coming period.