King Khalid University


University Excels in the Times World Classification

King Khalid University Media Center

King Khalid University achieved advanced positions in the Times World Classification of Academic Specializations for the year 2022, with the emergence of five academic disciplines among the list of the best international universities.

On it’s part, the College of Computer Science ranked 301 globally and fourth nationally, while the College of Engineering advanced 100 ranks from last year's results and reached 401 globally, while the medical and health colleges continued to be present in the international classification, by obtaining the 601st place globally, and the physical sciences major, which includes the departments of physics, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, geology, earth and marine sciences, ranked 401st globally, and sixth locally. Finally, the life sciences major, which includes biological and veterinary sciences, agriculture and forestry, ranked 601st place in the world.

The University Vice President of Quality and Development Prof. Dr. Marzan Al-Shahrani, thanked the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Faleh bin Rajaa Al-Solami for his constant support and guidance, and his keenness on the progress and development of the university in various fields. He also thanked the university’s employees for their efforts.

The General Supervisor of the University Rankings Unit, Dr. Sami Al-Shehri, explained that the Times classification began in 2010, and aims to present an annual list of the best international universities, as well as the best academic disciplines, after evaluating them according to a number of criteria and indicators.In addition the Times World Classification takes in consideration the views of university administrations, the industrial and the government sector, in order to provide more comprehensive and accurate comparisons.

He added ,that there are a number of conditions that must be met in the program for it to enter the Times classification, where it is required that the research production of the specialization not be less than 1,000 scientific papers during the evaluation years. In addition the program if a bachelor must not be less than 4 years, and must meet 5 main criteria used in the Times classification, from which 13 indicators are branched in order to accurately assess the performance of the specialization, and they are the same indicators used in evaluating the level of universities with a difference in the weighted percentages for each specialization.

It is worth noting that the International Rankings Unit of the University Agency for Development and Quality is constantly working to support the university's presence in internationally recognized rankings.