King Khalid University


University Receives External Auditors, in Preparation for the Accreditation of a Number of Programs

King Khalid University Media Center

From the start of the current semester, King Khalid University , has received external reviews for eight academic programs to accredited its programs and assure quality standards for the university outcomes. The Dean of Academic Development and Quality Deanship at the university, Dr. Salem Al-Qarni, explained that these programs come within the group of 31 programs that have signed accreditation contracts with the Education and Training Evaluation Authority (NCAAA).

Al-Qarni stressed that the review of academic programs by specialists in the field of quality and academic accreditation aim to improve outcomes and support programs ,and reach the best practices set by quality standards and academic accreditation.

He added that the Deanship provides technical support training courses to programs qualified for accrediatation in the field of quality, and offers follow up through the deanship advisors, as well as through preparation programs for final visits and verification visits; to familiarize those in charge of the programs with the topics and criteria that will be discussed by the external auditors and reviewers.