King Khalid University


University President : Asir Development Strategy a Revolutionary point in the future of Asir

king Khalid University Media Center

His Excellency King Khalid University President, Prof Falleh bin Rajallah Al Solami, commended His Royal Highness Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Council of Economic and Development Affairs Prince Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz launch of the Asir development strategy, stressing that this strategy reflects a positive regional development, and is one of most prominent changing points in the future of the economy of Asir Region.

AlSolami, said the efforts led by his Royal Highness the governor of Asir region Prince Turkey bin Talal bin Abdulaziz contributed to achieving a significant change in the level of services offered in Asir region. He added the launch of the this strategy comes to enhance the efforts devoted to the development of Asir and its resources.

AlSolami, explained that Asir development strategy has placed King Khalid University in the center of its enablers, as one of the most important entities in qualifying human resources, in addition to its scientific and research role which impacts the regiom greatly. He also pointed that King Khalid University is willing to provide full support and efforts aimed at achieving Asir development strategy.

It’s worth noting, that the university works to blend its strategic plan with the strategy of the Asir region, by working to establish faculties that offer quality programs that are in line with future employment opportunities in the region.