King Khalid University


The College of Arts and Sciences in Al Majardah Prepares Courses for the QM Accreditation

King Khalid University Media Center

The College of Arts and Science in Al Majardah, began applying Quality Matters standards for a number of college programs and courses in a step towards the development of education mechanisms, and to evaluate course outcomes ensuring the ability to develop educational content. Through an initiative that aims to develop the mechanisms used in teaching, the College of Arts and Science in Al Majardah in coordination with university authorities have set an action plan to determine the proposed outcomes and the implementation of quality learning.

The college dean Dr. Maha Mohammad Al Shehri, explained that the initiative’s plan was made to ensure achieving the goals desired, which include a number of workshops and training courses that help guide faculty members to the implementation of quality matter standards and prepare courses that meet international quality measures.

Al-Shehri, explained that the college has coordinated with the Academic Development and Quality agency at the Tihma branch, to support and guide the college through this initiative. She also stressed that the college aims to accredit all programs and work towards achieve the kingdoms 2030 vision in the field of education.

Its worth noting، that the college of Arts and Science has conducted two distinguished initiatives that included excellence in e-learning and technical education, which were highly praised and successful.