King Khalid University


Finalizing the Admission of 1200 Postgraduate Student

King Khalid University Media Center

The deanship of postgraduate studies at King Khalid University, finalized the admission of the all post graduate programs for the year 1443AH, issuing all time tables and academic schedules, as well as receiving postponement inquiries.

On his part the dean of the deanship of postgraduate studies prof. Ahmed Yahya Al Faie, said that the number of the applicants for the current year reached 1210 students, adding that the deanship follows closely the colleges procedures in settling into the academic year. He explained , that after His excellency approval the university vice president of postgraduate studies and research has visited a number of colleges to ensure that all precautions and safety measures are provided for students during the academic year. He also noted, that the deanship has perviously contacted all applicants and students urging them to take the two vaccine dosages and making it a mandatory requirement for class registration and entering to university campuses. stressing that the deanship has suspended all students inquiries for the current semester who have not completed their vaccination.

It’s worth noting that the number of postgraduate programs and students joining them has increased profoundly.