King Khalid University


Data Management and Decision Support Administration

King Khalid University Media and Communications

His Excellency the President of King Khalid University, Prof. Dr. Faleh bin Rajaa Al-Solami, recently issued an administrative decision to rename the of “Studies and Information administration to the “Data management and Decision Support Management”, and assigning Dr. Asma Abdullah Al-Jarallah supervisor of the administration.

Al-Jarallah, expressed her appreciation to his Excellency the university president for his confidence in entrusting her with this possition, adding that the renaming of the admonition comes with new responsibilities and a new structure to achieve quality outcomes.

It’s worth noting that most important objectives of "Data Management and Decision Support" administration are to build a distinguished statistical system, build a knowledge society, collect and provide statistics, prepare statistical reports and evidence-based on analytical studies, which contribute to decision-making and developing strategic plans, and is the main source of annual data and statistics reports.

The Department of Data and Decision Support is administratively linked to the University Quality Agency, and is to include within its structure the Performance Measurement Unit, the Development Unit, the Data Quality Unit, the Systems Unit and the Reporting Unit.