King Khalid University


Home Economics Students Launched "Sustainability" Initiative

KKU - Media Center

The female students of the Home Economics Department at the College of Arts and Science in Mahayel Asir, launched the "Sustainability" initiative.

On this occasion, the Head of Home Economics Department and Supervisor of the initiative, Dr. Ghaida Alamari, explained that the initiative aims to achieve environmental sustainability by protecting the environment, recycling and reusing residue, while raising awareness on how to protect the environment and natural resources.

Alamri, also explained that the initiative includes a series of programs, which will be implemented in many places in the future, most prominent of which are: a recycling program, proper nutrition program and environment education program.

Alamri thanked His Excellency, the President of King Khalid University, Prof. Faleh bin Rajaa Allah Al Solami, and the General Supervisor of the University branch in Tuhama and the Dean of the College, for their constant support for such initiatives.