King Khalid University


E-learning Statistics

KKU - Media Center

The E-learning Deanship at King Khalid University continues to provide its educational electronic services, with a total of 13184 virtual lectures and 11496 recorded lectures, during the fifth week of the second semester of 1442 AH.

The Dean of E-learning Deanship, Dr. Nayef Jabali, explained that the Deanship held a training course for the Deans, Vice Deans and Head of Departments entitled "The Validity of Viewing Courses on the Blackboard." The Deanship also presented a training course for the faculty members and students entitled "Using and Activating Connect Yard." In addition to organizing 3535 virtual meetings and symposiums, issuing 34 reports and implementing two educational infographics.

On the technical support part, the Deanship offered 214 phone calls, 332 Whatsapp messages, 86 emails, and 36 live chats, with an overall of 76% faculty support and 24% student support. its worth noting that 231521 users attended the sessions on the Blackboard during the fifth week.